the thread about nothing...

Does having your kid get on the school bus route cost any yearly fee? I don’t have kids yet, but I hope it’s free and it better be a minuscule fee if there is one.
Does having your kid get on the school bus route cost any yearly fee? I don’t have kids yet, but I hope it’s free and it better be a minuscule fee if there is one.
No fee. Just gotta sign your kiddo up.
In HS they don't even check. Sometimes if I'm working too late to pick my son up he'll take the bus to one of his friends' houses and he'll just text me which friend and I'll pick him up there.
After I graduated, Minneapolis public school became cheap they stopped doing buses for high schoolers. But they gave out passes for public transit tho.
That’s how it is in my little city— my h-schooler takes the city bus. Makes sense, and she’s learned to get around on her own.
They did that here a few years ago. We’ve never had school buses but they gave a free bus pass to everyone under 21.

I think it’s great because my kids can go anywhere - but people complain about kids getting into trouble in places they shouldn’t be. Overall I think it’s a net positive though.
The kids were gonna get in trouble regardless of a bus pass probably

I started taking the bus everywhere in middle school. Like I’d be everywhere two cities over :lol:
American school bus is an Experience he should have (also, it’s a short ride for him).

I agree, but my wife told me how much it would cost if they rode the bus, and I said I’ll take them. Not spending hundreds of dollars each semester if they don’t want to ride the bus.

They get to sleep a little longer and I don’t have to come out of pocket so it’s a win/win
I agree, but my wife told me how much it would cost if they rode the bus, and I said I’ll take them. Not spending hundreds of dollars each semester if they don’t want to ride the bus.

They get to sleep a little longer and I don’t have to come out of pocket so it’s a win/win
Wow, there’s no fee here (if we ignore taxes, haha)— free for all students, even private schools.
That school bus **** overrated. Elementary school it was cool but middle and high school nah, only out of necessity on super hot or rainy days or something. I preferred waking up earlier grabbing the discman and walking, hitting up Walgreens on the way to buy and or steal some candy and grabbing a .99 breakfast jack from jack in the crack on the way. Sometimes one of the homies parents would see me on their way and swoop me up, but the older I got I avoided that bus like the plague.
Since i started using reddit more heavily i’ve stopped using NT. Reddit kind of just like NT but more people, posts, content etc.
Stumbled across this facebook group called FREE Photoshop. Edits. Yes, I still use FB for specific groups and marketplace lol. It was really funny like the old PYP threads, but then it got depressing real quick when I scrolled through and saw lots of ppl posting a picture for photoshops of ppl who have passed to honor them.
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