the thread about nothing...

Turns out my grandma kept scrapbooks of everything for like 80 years. She’s been gone nearly 20 years but they just turned up. One of my kids has been going through them.

This is my dad and his brothers in 1969. Looks like the world has them to thank as the inspiration for Austin Powers!

Neither can Steph.
Now you can tell people you're just like Steph.
I can already see the conversation being like:

Them: “Steph is light outs.”

Future Guaranteed Me: “I can spin the ball on my finger though and Steph can’t, he even admitted it.” Effortlessly spins ball on all fingers like a magician.

Them: “You can’t hit a 3 like Steph, though.”

Me: Sets up with a good form and airballs.

Me: “You do it then!!!!”

Them: “I never said I could.” Laughs harder with others.

Not falling for that trap chief.😤
Reminds me of the time my friend put some American cheese on a tortilla and threw it the microwave and called it a quesadilla. Dude put only one slice a cheese on each tortilla. Needless to say, it was dry AF.:rofl:

Side-note: I want a Birria taco so bad now.
Yo boy put a kraft single on it and stuck it in the microwave? :lol: Cheese probably got nuked.
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