the thread about nothing...

Yeah, nobody does that.
Wait, no. Millions of people do that.
"When did people start naming their kids after Michael Jordan?" is exhibit 3,714 that people just log on..
... to argue.
"Well ackchuwalleee..."
Doesn't even have to be a worthy, meaningful argument.
It's a loser mentality that, unfortunately, some folks are born with. They couldn't change that if they tried
Tbh I dont mind a light hearted, borderline goofy debate. I was one of those guys that would sit on the bleachers after hooping and 'agrue' about basketball for 45 minutes. They funniest **** would always come out of those debates. We'd just laugh it off and be like, "Yall wanna run one more?", but I know everyone can't do that.

Could "play arguing" be a cultural thing?
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