the thread about nothing...

I appreciate the natural gravitational hang real big ******* have received from God.
I went to high school with a Michael Jackson. :lol: I can deal with that because 'Michael' and 'Jackson' are common names. Any Michael Jordan born after 91 is getting the side eye tho.
My mom was a teacher. One of my absolute favorite portions of listening to her talk about work was her dogging out kids' names.

One year for summer school she had a little girl named Snow White "and was as black as tar". So holarious.
Really DC?? :lol: Thats when they won their first title and he was totally THAT guy by then.

After the national championship game where he hit the game winner.

After his rookie season where he averaged 28.

After '87 where he was clearly the top talent in the league averaging 37? (As well as dunk contest winner)

Point I'm making is 91 is well after the fact of him being established as the pinnacle.
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