the thread about nothing...

The mentally handicapped r word was definitely wiped out from normal usage. Shame was brought to any and all who used it.

It was so wiped, apparently Em was using it on his new album and articles were written about it.
If you notice, 'unalive' is mostly just an online term, to circumvent sites that sensor/target 'dead' and 'killed'.
People don't GENERALLY say 'unalive' in person.
I haven't noticed this, but you're right. My exposure to it is strictly online through youtube vids or comments.

What sites are targeting dead, killed, or suicide? Seems extra dumb.
not all feelings need tk be validated
All feelings are valid. The problem is that most of the people who say 'All feelings are valid' include things that aren't feelings.

The bottom line is that 'All feelings are valid' is a true statement. If you feel depressed or happy or angry or excited or unmotivated, that's valid.
No problem.

The problem with 'All feelings are valid' people is that typically, those people also say these kinds of things:
"I feel like you don't love me."
"I feel like you don't want to hang out this afternoon."
"I feel like work is more important than your own kids."

🗣 AREN'T!!

Collectively, we are putting "I feel" in front of thoughts & opinions with the expectation that no one will argue it because it was presented as a feeling.

- "I feel like your new boyfriend is more important than us now."
- "What? No way! I love you guys! He's not more important than..."
- "You're invalidating my feelings! These are my feelings and you can't tell me my feelings are wrong! All feelings are valid!"

I see/hear it aaaalllll the time.
I haven't noticed this, but you're right. My exposure to it is strictly online through youtube vids or comments.

What sites are targeting dead, killed, or suicide? Seems extra dumb.
I got a 6-month Facebook suspension in 2022 for saying I'd kill someone for some Godiva.
 No other context. It was a conversation on chocolate and I said that my favorites are Ferrero Rocher, Lindt, and Godiva, and I'd kill someone over Godiva.
Got a warning within 5 minutes and the next day I logged on and it said I was suspended for 6 months. Said we don't tolerate hate speech or speech that promotes violence. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
All feelings are valid.
I stopped here. Imma go back and give the rest of the post a read. But before I do that, define valid? Valid as in the person feels that way? Yeah, I'm sure some dumbass does feel like a period is passive aggressive cuz they're looking to find an issue with something. I'm not going to acknowledge this person's feelings nor am I going to shift my behavior because of this person's feelings.

Also, is it possible for someone to misunderstand something? And that misunderstanding leads to invalid feelings? I felt like this cuz I took it this way but after a convo, I realize I took it wrong and my feelings have shifted.
All feelings are valid. The problem is that most of the people who say 'All feelings are valid' include things that aren't feelings.

The bottom line is that 'All feelings are valid' is a true statement. If you feel depressed or happy or angry or excited or unmotivated, that's valid.
No problem.

The problem with 'All feelings are valid' people is that typically, those people also say these kinds of things:
"I feel like you don't love me."
"I feel like you don't want to hang out this afternoon."
"I feel like work is more important than your own kids."

🗣 AREN'T!!

Collectively, we are putting "I feel" in front of thoughts & opinions with the expectation that no one will argue it because it was presented as a feeling.

- "I feel like your new boyfriend is more important than us now."
- "What? No way! I love you guys! He's not more important than..."
- "You're invalidating my feelings! These are my feelings and you can't tell me my feelings are wrong! All feelings are valid!"

I see/hear it aaaalllll the time.
I think I follow what you're saying. I'd assume in your pov, the person saying periods are passive aggressive is sharing an opinion, not a feeling.
I think I follow what you're saying. I'd assume in your pov, the person saying periods are passive aggressive is sharing an opinion, not a feeling.
"I feel like periods are passive aggressive" is not a feeling... at all.

- "I feel like Jordan 11s are the greatest shoe ever."
- "Nah, not for me. Gotta be the Jordan 4."
- "Well that's my feelings and you can't argue with my feelings."

is it possible for someone to misunderstand something? And that misunderstanding leads to invalid feelings? I felt like this cuz I took it this way but after a convo, I realize I took it wrong and my feelings have shifted.

That is a major, MAJOR component to effectively counseling more than 1 person involved in a problem.

Something About Mary came out in 1998 and it was a funny scene. Didn’t hear anybody saying they were offended.
I haven't noticed this, but you're right. My exposure to it is strictly online through youtube vids or comments.

What sites are targeting dead, killed, or suicide? Seems extra dumb.
Saying suicide, kill, … is basically a guarantee Youtube will demonetize your video. Especially if it’s early in the video. You can loosen up a bit past a certain amount of time.
Twitch is another example of where you might get a short ban for gratuitous use of words like suicide but they’re nowhere near as strict as Youtube. Not even in the same league.

The rise of terms like unaliving stems almost entirely from Youtube’s speech policies regarding demonetization. Individual human review is impossible on that scale so it’s largely an automated system. Hence why people had to come up with a whole bunch of terms like “unalive” or “makes me want to (bad term here)… in a videogame of course
Rape becomes grape. Pedophile becomes PDF file.

All due to the specter of YT’s demonetization system.
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Is the patent leather more yellow on the right?
Try to just look at the patent leather. Obviously I know that the sole has done well with the Soul Bright and I love it.
I'm curious if the Sole Bright has made a difference on the patent leather.
(For anyone curious: 5 sessions of Sole Bright on the sole, 2 sessions on the patent leather.)

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