the thread about nothing...


Supervisor just emailed the team this morning with some pretty cotdamb horrific news.
The son of one of my favorite coworkers messaged her (our supervisor) last night. He said that his mom had a heart attack last night and was unresponsive.
That's all he told our supervisor, and that's all our supervisor emailed us this morning.
My head is spinning and I can hardly think because I'm trying to tell you all: his mom is like one of the nicest people ever.
I've made it no secret on here that I am completely anti-religious/atheist, but she is one of those people that makes people like me think 'Well she's pretty *censored* awesome. Need more of HER type.'
If everyone who subscribed to a religion was like her, there would be no wars, judgment, bigotry, entitlement, etc.
I don't know what her religion is, but I know it's something Middle Eastern/Indian.
Anyways, she's awesome is what I'm trying to say. My team, we're all counselors connected to the national suicide prevention hotlines. When a call is made, we go out. And she is just the absolute best.
I can hardly focus on work right now. All of us are just kinda going through the motions, waiting for an update.
Heart attack? Unresponsive?
Nah, man, not her.
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