the thread about nothing...

Who was the one dude that posted cool looking different birds in here like everyday? That was hella dope, I miss it
I was just saying the other day I need to hop back on FB and try and get the birds on my feed again. They were just randomly showing up then I showed an interest as soon as I actually ended up joining some of the groups they stopped being posted on my feed 😡. After the elections are over I'll get back on FB and see what's up 😂
Orange is the worst color to match with. I could put something together with a yellow or lime green but orange has no real compliments besides white, cream or maybe purple(that looks even louder together). Stuck with a supreme shirt gift in orange that I don’t want and nobody will buy.


Orange is the worst color to match with. I could put something together with a yellow or lime green but orange has no real compliments besides white, cream or maybe purple(that looks even louder together). Stuck with a supreme shirt gift in orange that I don’t want and nobody will buy.

Navy blue, but I'm a Bears fan, so I've got more navy and orange clothing than orange on shoes.
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I've got a coworker, cool dude, always upbeat,42, family man... The last few months, dude has been insanely musty. I'm not around him much at work, but when l walk by him it almost knocks me out. Some other people were laughing about it, l didn't take part, but l did confirm that it is intense. First time l experienced it, l got in his work car and the smell was like a damn forcefield. I thought he just had some strong smelling food in his bag.
My theory is that one of his kids made some deodorant for him and he wears it to make them proud.
I don't want the other people making fun of him but it would just be too awkward to bring it up to him. He might not even care. I'm just glad l don't work around him all day. I would have to say something then.
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