the thread about nothing...

if it has to do with addiction or a legit issue then its ok..if it has to do with drug tests or anything illegal naw...

but if you're talking about a prescription and experiences with it i think you are good..maybe dig up a drug thread thats still around..

It does involve an illegal drug buts its not about the drug. Its actually a question.

If you were a crack dealer, would you sell to all ready addicted relatives?

i would never sell to relatives because if they were to OD its pretty much your fault since you were there selling to him, im trying to see them do better not help there cause. Just my OP

Its crack, doe. They're going to do it regardless. They could get from you or they could be out in the street doing who knows what for who know who trying to get it. Also, you're a crack dealer, at the end of the day you don't give a **** about anybody's cause expect your own.

Thread? Yes, no?

yes please
It does involve an illegal drug buts its not about the drug. Its actually a question.

If you were a crack dealer, would you sell to all ready addicted relatives?
i'd rather they get that A1 yola from me..

instead of getting something from the streets that has been stepped on more than the great wall of china.
when i was a little younger i prolly did the most jerked off thing i could think of to a girl. I was going out with this girl acouple years ago and to be honest that feeling between me and her just wasnt there. So its around christmas time and im with my friends shopping for the fam and they ask me what im getting my GF and im like iunno i tried explaining to them how i was feeling and they told me to just ger her something small. I winded up grabbing her VS pajamas. Now its christmas day and she ask me to come over to exchange gifts well ya i dont think she knew what was comming to her. I get to the house to see that she has all these gifts for me and i have 1 but didnt have time to stop home and grab it so i told her ill give it to her the next day. Well there was never a next day because the same night i received my gifts i broke up with her right after. Long story short i actually regret doing that cause to this day shes cool as can be and were always conversating with eachother and she was also my first (). So i actually think im gonna grab her a few things as friends for this christmas its only right. 

Only reason i brought this up is cause she just reminded me in a text of what i have done and i feel pretty bad, i was young and dumb 
had some mcgriddles for breakfast and i'm pretty sure that ***** gonna ruin my day. i'm already back in bed :smh:
can someone gif this for me???

when i was a little younger i prolly did the most jerked off thing i could think of to a girl. I was going out with this girl acouple years ago and to be honest that feeling between me and her just wasnt there. So its around christmas time and im with my friends shopping for the fam and they ask me what im getting my GF and im like iunno i tried explaining to them how i was feeling and they told me to just ger her something small. I winded up grabbing her VS pajamas. Now its christmas day and she ask me to come over to exchange gifts well ya i dont think she knew what was comming to her. I get to the house to see that she has all these gifts for me and i have 1 but didnt have time to stop home and grab it so i told her ill give it to her the next day. Well there was never a next day because the same night i received my gifts i broke up with her right after. Long story short i actually regret doing that cause to this day shes cool as can be and were always conversating with eachother and she was also my first (). So i actually think im gonna grab her a few things as friends for this christmas its only right. 

Only reason i brought this up is cause she just reminded me in a text of what i have done and i feel pretty bad, i was young and dumb 
This was foul, you're doing the right thing though.
My company did a "Gangam Style" video for our holiday party.. i was in tears

Owners + Bosses
LOL. So Power Home Remodeling Group isnt a scam? I was under the impression that it was.
when i was a little younger i prolly did the most jerked off thing i could think of to a girl. I was going out with this girl acouple years ago and to be honest that feeling between me and her just wasnt there. So its around christmas time and im with my friends shopping for the fam and they ask me what im getting my GF and im like iunno i tried explaining to them how i was feeling and they told me to just ger her something small. I winded up grabbing her VS pajamas. Now its christmas day and she ask me to come over to exchange gifts well ya i dont think she knew what was comming to her. I get to the house to see that she has all these gifts for me and i have 1 but didnt have time to stop home and grab it so i told her ill give it to her the next day. Well there was never a next day because the same night i received my gifts i broke up with her right after. Long story short i actually regret doing that cause to this day shes cool as can be and were always conversating with eachother and she was also my first (). So i actually think im gonna grab her a few things as friends for this christmas its only right. 

Only reason i brought this up is cause she just reminded me in a text of what i have done and i feel pretty bad, i was young and dumb 
DO IT!!! You'll feel better, but more importantly, you'll set things right and do the right thing. Spoil her and let her know that you care, and that somebody is thinking about her

That was foul b
This was foul, you're doing the right thing though.
LOL. So Power Home Remodeling Group isnt a scam? I was under the impression that it was.

Lol far from a scam. Been in business for over 20 years. I have been here for almost 3 years. Great company to work for if anybody is looking for a job. Offices all over the North East, just opened in Chicago and opening some in Texas in 2013. :smokin
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