the thread about nothing...

This was foul, you're doing the right thing though.
LOL. So Power Home Remodeling Group isnt a scam? I was under the impression that it was.
Lol far from a scam. Been in business for over 20 years. I have been here for almost 3 years. Great company to work for if anybody is looking for a job. Offices all over the North East, just opened in Chicago and opening some in Texas in 2013.
So what do you do exactly? When I first graduated and was looking for work they called me about something I cant remember the exact title, but after googling it I found out it basically equated to me going door to door trying to get people to sign up for things, and then the customer reviews for them were not favorable.
if you're scared say you're scared.

ride around with bibles. 

if you knew like i knew

you'd ride around with rifles.


me: what do you want for Christmas Caleb

son: a football helmet and a football 

me: is that all?

son: not quite. i want a pet giraffe

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So what do you do exactly? When I first graduated and was looking for work they called me about something I cant remember the exact title, but after googling it I found out it basically equated to me going door to door trying to get people to sign up for things, and then the customer reviews for them were not favorable.

That's our door to door marketing division. Basically entry level position into the company. I skipped over that, I refused to do that. But that can be quite beneficial financially if your good at it. The door to door people either work in BJs stores or go to door to door trying to set up home owners for a free estimate on home remodeling (Windows,Siding or Roof). For every 5 you set, you get $50, for every one that "Demos" meaning they actually get the estimate (us sending an estimator to their home and either selling them or leaving them with a price) you get $200 for each one of those.

I started in the Scheduling Department (the department ALL field marketers (what we call our door to door reps) call into ) , we basically make sure you aren't cheating and find a good time for the Husband and Wife to be home together for the estimate. I got promoted to the Confirmation department about 8months ago. Basically I call the home owners, make sure everybody is home and that their credit is good and then send a rep out to their home.
sorry to be the bearer of bad news but no you're not.
Sorry to be the bearer of good news but I was.
go back to that post. it has 63066. someone hit submit before you unless that is your other screen name
Go back to to the post and look at the time for each of the posts.

Each post was posted at the same time.

So again, I was 63,065.
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Laughs....alright Mr. Yen, you win. (even though records indicate you're wrong). mj shrug...
What did you want me to do? Edit my post because I was one post off even though our posts were at the same time?

Not likely sir.

The point of that post was a satire of the other dude who did that, so I don't understand why you brought that mute point to my attention.
Laughs....alright Mr. Yen, you win. (even though records indicate you're wrong). mj shrug...
What did you want me to do? Edit my post because I was one post off even though our posts were at the same time?

Not likely sir.

The point of that post was a satire of the other dude who did that, so I don't understand why you brought that mute point to my attention.
simple observation. that was all. and the word you're looking for is "moot"
can anyone recommend a free photo editor like photoshop for mac to DL? want to edit gifs and whatnot..any help would be appreciated.

cats suck!! they stink and poop inside the house in a least dogs tell you when they want to go outside to potty..
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Well of course I clicked play on that

Man i been listening to this ****
I'm not proud
Naw I'm from Sacramento bro. I actually flew most of the time, came out to $100 round trip so that was pretty much cheaper than driving, plus at the time I was barely going to school anyways since I was already done with community college and was just waiting to get into nursing school. Maybe I should start playing basketball or really really get back into lifting again. I would just have the biggest look of shame and guilt if I ran into her while I was on a date
ah, i thought you were originally from LB then went to sac for school. don't feel guilty, she dumped you and you're moving on in life, who knows, she might want you back
when i was a little younger i prolly did the most jerked off thing i could think of to a girl. I was going out with this girl acouple years ago and to be honest that feeling between me and her just wasnt there. So its around christmas time and im with my friends shopping for the fam and they ask me what im getting my GF and im like iunno i tried explaining to them how i was feeling and they told me to just ger her something small. I winded up grabbing her VS pajamas. Now its christmas day and she ask me to come over to exchange gifts well ya i dont think she knew what was comming to her. I get to the house to see that she has all these gifts for me and i have 1 but didnt have time to stop home and grab it so i told her ill give it to her the next day. Well there was never a next day because the same night i received my gifts i broke up with her right after. Long story short i actually regret doing that cause to this day shes cool as can be and were always conversating with eachother and she was also my first (). So i actually think im gonna grab her a few things as friends for this christmas its only right. 

Only reason i brought this up is cause she just reminded me in a text of what i have done and i feel pretty bad, i was young and dumb 
had a similar thing happen to me, except i spoiled her on her birthday a couple months after, it's cool that you want to do that though, props
Laughs....alright Mr. Yen, you win. (even though records indicate you're wrong). mj shrug...
What did you want me to do? Edit my post because I was one post off even though our posts were at the same time?

Not likely sir.

The point of that post was a satire of the other dude who did that, so I don't understand why you brought that mute point to my attention.
simple observation. that was all. and the word you're looking for is "moot"
Simple observation. I think you mean being a smart alack.

As showcased by your post above.
xxpizzo, I don't think you should get her a gift to make up for a past mistake. Her reminding you was a low blow as well. And if she hadnt pulled the scab back would you feel as obliged? If you're getting it for a dear friend and not a bitter ex, okay. If not, Life happens. Keep it movin'.
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Remind her of how old she was and what a great life she had.. ( if she was old.. like 80+)
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