the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CJ863

Trying to get into this new santigold album, kinda hard because I don't really dig her voice.
Dipset has taken Steezy's spot as most annoying poster on here.
I know Im Steeze's captain saver, but cape aside
whats so annoying about him?
Unnecessary attention whoring. Example: were' in the Yeezy 2 thread and fam is posting ninjahood size pics of his closet
and giving advice on ikea shelving for 3 pages like cmon 
had some teary eye moments like a female while watching United 93. 
at the how the school system is set up.
Anybody ever have that friend that you may not talk too for like months and months at a time but when you hit them up randomly and they pick up its like you guys never stopped talking. Theres no beef. No promise of a next phone call. Its just on some "hey you got some time to talk?...Shoot." Really appreciate those kind of friendships.

Im lucky enough to have two of them that know me well enough to know that if im calling I need some time to get grounded. Same for them.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CJ863

Trying to get into this new santigold album, kinda hard because I don't really dig her voice.
Dipset has taken Steezy's spot as most annoying poster on here.
I know Im Steeze's captain saver, but cape aside
whats so annoying about him?
Unnecessary attention whoring. Example: were' in the Yeezy 2 thread and fam is posting ninjahood size pics of his closet
and giving advice on ikea shelving for 3 pages like cmon 

oh ok being a show off, makes sense.
But he does it and he isnt stingy and doesn't cuff,

 he tells you where he got it and helps you if you want to find it.

Thats why I like him
, he looks out.

I dont like that he thinks you have to be older to understand everything 
Got some purp rolled up! that's always a win.

high school is basically over for me. MAJOR

smashed 3 times this guessed it

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by cap1229

Anybody ever have that friend that you may not talk too for like months and months at a time but when you hit them up randomly and they pick up its like you guys never stopped talking. Theres no beef. No promise of a next phone call. Its just on some "hey you got some time to talk?...Shoot." Really appreciate those kind of friendships.

Im lucky enough to have two of them that know me well enough to know that if im calling I need some time to get grounded. Same for them.

Im like that with a few of my homies. We could literally go like 6-7 months and talk on the phone like it was yesterday.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CJ863

Trying to get into this new santigold album, kinda hard because I don't really dig her voice.
Dipset has taken Steezy's spot as most annoying poster on here.
I know Im Steeze's captain saver, but cape aside
whats so annoying about him?

People really, really, really try too hard to hate him.

So what he takes pics of everything he see's? So what he comments in every thread? He's provoked, than everyone wonders why he comments back in his defense, then he's suspended.


Let Steezy live man...
It's a nice day up in California...... Too bad I have to work today.......smh
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Summer song IMO. Well I mean I'll listen to it whenever, I think it's seasonally universal, but it's going to fit really well with the summer.

i love seasonal & timely music. i know exactly what you mean man, well appreciated track 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

That's probably because smoking trees is almost normal these days with the way it's been exploited lately in music, movies etc.

One tip to you Regal....if it's your first time and you actually DO get high - you're going to be cracking up all night lol.

True. Its best you do it with someone you're comfortable with.
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Summer song IMO. Well I mean I'll listen to it whenever, I think it's seasonally universal, but it's going to fit really well with the summer.

i love seasonal & timely music. i know exactly what you mean man, well appreciated track�
Dope song...
.....I've blastin it nonstop since I heard it yesterday along with this.
Watching The Amazing Race and I'm inspired to visit Japan one day. Need to learn the language.

Oh and Bring That Chicken Home has to be one of the craziest/funniest game shows of all time.
Niketalk is not a how to guide on how to live life. People start threads about the craziest things here, "How does NT feel about fat female friends, What car to get, What should  I do about ________.....I understand asking advice, but ask advice from real live friends, not an online community.
Kinda waiting on the new season of Suits to start. 
Cord15- SUITS is such a PIMP show. I too am waiting for it to come back.
^^glad someone enjoys this as well. a lot shows get mentioned here that I've never heard of.....
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