the thread about nothing...

life is beautiful, but i want more. MOAR

or maybe just one thing 
you want the D dont ya?

nah, thats just what we think. I know what you really want (like most women): Every gotdamb thing


i just want to reach my goal......
i wonder what it was..

obama is also left handed!

are any of you left handed folks extroverts or more outgoing?
^^ i recommend using a poster (multiple) instead of spray cans avoid us having to bail out any
One of the best things about NT is that not everyone is from the same place, background and/or upbringing. I just wish everyone would realize that.

How are you going to speak on and/or judge the mindset or mentality of a person that you dont know, from a place you've never been before?

when i mention that i was in a gang at 8 and selling drugs people think im full of ****...

the place that i grew up in is one the poorest gang infested places in the US..

Calexico california, i dont mind talking about my past on here, since you guys dont know who i am,

i dont tell anyone about what i've been through, most of my friends didnt even know i was a junkie..
I'm scared to follow any NT'ers on IG/twitter for some reason
I used to be like that too... but now I'm like I don't eem care no mo
Y'all ruthless tho. I only add NT'ers I know, and that's like 1 or 2
Follow me on instagram 
 I'm harmless 
One of the best things about NT is that not everyone is from the same place, background and/or upbringing. I just wish everyone would realize that.

How are you going to speak on and/or judge the mindset or mentality of a person that you dont know, from a place you've never been before?

Like you don't knoooooow meeeeeee
I'm in too! Will update in a few months :lol:
since Tahrone posted his beer gut I shall post mine as well

If you are interested in participating in the Beer Gut Loss About Nothing or the BGLAN quote this (I'm not expecting any of you too...) and add your own beer gut :smile:


The damage I did last night by myself :frown:

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