the thread about nothing...

Watching on dvr..

NT, can anyone remember a poem that was floating around here. Cant remember which thread.

But it basically talked about a guy denying god when he tells him to kneel before him, and then god just turns to dust and loses all power. Something like that.

Infinite rep dollars to whoever can find it.

Nevermind, got it. Reps for me.

Should God exist, in final days, when earth at last rolls to a stop, trembles, ancient and tattered, stays and all the graves are lifted up, then I will come before your God, and eyes without a blink will stand. My gaze will burn through his facade and he will shake in fear of man.

And if he dares to damn the souls of those without the faith he needs, without regard for lives so full of light, I call it jealously.
Then when the blinded grip of fate claws at my back, I will not go, but glare into the very face of God and I will whisper "No."
"For who are you that you judge me? The slaughterer of untouched youth, the source of serpent, apple, greed -all evil oozes from your wounds!"
"And who am I that I should lie stricken and mute before you? No! I name you tyrant, genocide! Into the jaws of hell you go!"

So on that fabled final day, I will not kneel before your lord, but speak my mind and have my say and leave under my own accord.
Then with a sigh, he will collapse, return to dust and float away. For robbed at last of thunderclaps, your God will have no words to say.

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Did people lose Reps. I didn't but I feel like some of the dudes that were in the 1000s are only in the 100's now 
Did people lose Reps. I didn't but I feel like some of the dudes that were in the 1000s are only in the 100's now 

I have. mine went from 123 to 122 and now 114. I don't know what is going on with the rep system
Just make sure you tell him to wrap up at all times and to be careful for his own sake. Crazy girls are nothing to play with. If she'll harm herself she'll harm him.
my mom just called me to tell me that my lil bros GF stole their parents car last weekend and crashed it into a post or something.

the cops showed up and questioned their daughter, this lady has called my mom to tell her that they shouldnt be talking to each other and whatnot.

supposedly she told her mom they broke up in december, but i think they just said that to throw the parents off.

my bro is 14 and has never had a gf she had just broke up with somebody, my lil bro is really quiet and doesnt say much.

the mom told my mom that he doesnt make eye contact or shake the dads hand when he'd go over...

these kids are 14 they shouldnt be chillin alone at all, my mom found notes and the little girl wrote that if she doesnt have him shell kill herself 

this little chick is clingy as hell, the mom finally told my mom that she doesnt know why shes like that..

my bro was lying to my parents and on nights that he was spending the night at a friends house, he would take off with the girl.

i havent talked to my bro about his girlfriend cuz he doesnt talk about anything like that, i just want him to experience life and learn from it.
he gets good grades and is a lil stud..i mean he learned from the best..but i dont want him to have a kid and mess up his life..
that girls parents shouldve been more alert and noticed that their dam CAR was missing..jesus christ, the mom wants them to meet up and talk to make sure they havent been sexually active and she is considering moving the girl to another school..
Finally off work..... worked from 7am-7pm

So today at work, we run a youth basketball league at 3 different sites. My job is to just drift and drop in at each site to make sure things are going smoothly and there are no issues.

Well at on the of the sites, one of the refs for the last shift didn't show up for the 5th-6th grade league. Me, having experience refereeing up to the JV level, step in and officiate the last 3 games with the other ref.

Well the first two games go smoothly, the last game was god awful, it started at 6 pm and was probably the most packed game we had all day, probably at least 50-70 family and friends of these kids showed up to watch. The score at the end of the 1st quarter was 3-2... the game continues to progress slowly and the ephedrine I took at 1ish starts to wear off and I'm feeling super groggy and dehydrated. 

At the start of the 4th one team has a commanding lead of 15-7, over the course of the next 9 minutes the losing team chips away and makes its 15-14.

The losing team gets a rebound and calls a time out with 15 seconds to go.

Me and the ref get together at the scorers table and he mentions not letting the game get into overtime so we can get outta here early.

I concurred. 

The team that is down, inbounds the ball and no defender picks up the point guard.

The kid has a clear path to score the game winning lay up.

Out of no where, some mother ******g kid on the other team more or less, lightly shoulder checks him.... 

Me, being the baseline ref and wanting to get off work, decides not to call the foul

Over the next 2 minutes, I was screamed at and cursed at by the most people at the same time, ever in my life.

All I could do was

Do I feel bad that I Tim Donaghy'd that game? No. I have no regrets.

****, all I had to eat today was a cot damn turkey sandwich. I just wanted to go home and eat. And then drink. Which I am doing as I type this.

And that is my story of the day 

Now I shall finish this delicious leftover pizza and go out and drink away my night 
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Best Christmas gift ever
Aware me on how awesome that is. I've seen the infomercials but didn't think anything of it

It's dope. You can cook your meats and vegetables at the same time. Saves you time from frying and making a mess. It also doesn't dry it out. It basically uses infrared waves to cook it. Even if you have cold food,it heats it up like it was the first time. It's actually better than a microwave. I had french fries from popeyes that got cold and soggy, put them in and tasted like I just walked out the store with them. I didn't believe what my mom told me about it when she got hers, then she bought it for me and it was :smokin. I know I sound like an infomercial but it's really good.
Finally off work..... worked from 7am-7pm

So today at work, we run a youth basketball league at 3 different sites. My job is to just drift and drop in at each site to make sure things are going smoothly and there are no issues.

Well at on the of the sites, one of the refs for the last shift didn't show up for the 5th-6th grade league. Me, having experience refereeing up to the JV level, step in and officiate the last 3 games with the other ref.

Well the first two games go smoothly, the last game was god awful, it started at 6 pm and was probably the most packed game we had all day, probably at least 50-70 family and friends of these kids showed up to watch. The score at the end of the 1st quarter was 3-2... the game continues to progress slowly and the ephedrine I took at 1ish starts to wear off and I'm feeling super groggy and dehydrated. 

At the start of the 4th one team has a commanding lead of 15-7, over the course of the next 9 minutes the losing team chips away and makes its 15-14.

The losing team gets a rebound and calls a time out with 15 seconds to go.

Me and the ref get together at the scorers table and he mentions not letting the game get into overtime so we can get outta here early.

I concurred. 

The team that is down, inbounds the ball and no defender picks up the point guard.

The kid has a clear path to score the game winning lay up.

Out of no where, some mother ******g kid on the other team more or less, lightly shoulder checks him.... 

Me, being the baseline ref and wanting to get off work, decides not to call the foul

Over the next 2 minutes, I was screamed at and cursed at by the most people at the same time, ever in my life.

All I could do was

Do I feel bad that I Tim Donaghy'd that game? No. I have no regrets.

****, all I had to eat today was a cot damn turkey sandwich. I just wanted to go home and eat. And then drink. Which I am doing as I type this.

And that is my story of the day 

Now I shall finish this delicious leftover pizza and go out and drink away my night 
 15-14 though. 
Finally off work..... worked from 7am-7pm

So today at work, we run a youth basketball league at 3 different sites. My job is to just drift and drop in at each site to make sure things are going smoothly and there are no issues.

Well at on the of the sites, one of the refs for the last shift didn't show up for the 5th-6th grade league. Me, having experience refereeing up to the JV level, step in and officiate the last 3 games with the other ref.

Well the first two games go smoothly, the last game was god awful, it started at 6 pm and was probably the most packed game we had all day, probably at least 50-70 family and friends of these kids showed up to watch. The score at the end of the 1st quarter was 3-2... the game continues to progress slowly and the ephedrine I took at 1ish starts to wear off and I'm feeling super groggy and dehydrated. 

At the start of the 4th one team has a commanding lead of 15-7, over the course of the next 9 minutes the losing team chips away and makes its 15-14.

The losing team gets a rebound and calls a time out with 15 seconds to go.

Me and the ref get together at the scorers table and he mentions not letting the game get into overtime so we can get outta here early.

I concurred. 

The team that is down, inbounds the ball and no defender picks up the point guard.

The kid has a clear path to score the game winning lay up.

Out of no where, some mother ******g kid on the other team more or less, lightly shoulder checks him.... 

Me, being the baseline ref and wanting to get off work, decides not to call the foul

Over the next 2 minutes, I was screamed at and cursed at by the most people at the same time, ever in my life.

All I could do was

Do I feel bad that I Tim Donaghy'd that game? No. I have no regrets.

****, all I had to eat today was a cot damn turkey sandwich. I just wanted to go home and eat. And then drink. Which I am doing as I type this.

And that is my story of the day 

Now I shall finish this delicious leftover pizza and go out and drink away my night 

Yooooooo, I'd be tight if I was one of those kids. But from what you say, they can't score worth a damn. 3-2 after 1? Come on man :lol:. At 5th grade? Booooooooooooooooooooooo. I see how you wanted to get out of there though :rofl:
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