the thread about nothing...

Well I really liked Darmody............ and I like Richard and Eddie but neither are main character. So I guess I'd have to say Al Capone and A.R. 

Van Alden is a pretty hilarious antagonist, I enjoy Michael Shannon's job of him; but I certainly don't like that character.
Good stuff.

Eddie brings the lulz from time to time.

Alden's voice brings the lulz as well. Who the hell talked like that back then? haha

I like the italian dude who is starting the herion trade. The dude's voice is so cool to me. I wish I could talk like that. I'm starting to like the new dude in season three. He's tall and italian. I can't think of anymore descriptions.

So far, I like the show because it's like watching a history book come to life.

There have been quite a few times while I was watching the show where I was like "they had such and such back then!?"

Another example is when Enoch went to see Houdini's brother at the Ritz. I had never heard of him so I wiki'd it. Sure enough Houdini actually had a brother.

That effortless learning. :pimp:
My apartment complex needs access to my pad tomorrow for some upkeep bs :smh:
Thinking bout taking the day off so I can be home to make sure they don't F around..
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If my cousin would've answered the phone I wouldn't have made this post. I had two mini paragraphs I deleted. Over sharing, me thinks they were. :nerd:
My apartment complex needs access to my pad tomorrow for some upkeep bs

Thinking bout taking the day off so I can be home to make sure they F around..
Do that. Better be safe than sorry.
this. or just make ur apartment really wierd so they get creeped out n leave.

print out a couple hundred of my avys and stick em everywhere
Buy a security camera system so you record every angle of your apt.

Then return it the next day.
this. or just make ur apartment really wierd so they get creeped out n leave.

print out a couple hundred of my avys and stick em everywhere

Haha, I could print ur avy out :lol:
But yea im leaning towards taking the day off.

Yea still in SD RCK. No way I'd go back to sac unless I got a huge pay increase.
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