the thread about nothing...

dat jailbait
elpablo why are you so stubborn lol
(McNulty) What the **** did I do? (Mcnulty)
Mcnulty and Sting's accents BLEW my mind. It was mind bottling.
I hate to be the a__hole,but all this Wire talk deserves it own thread.
Reported for edited profanity.
my man 

My fav. scene from the wire was Freamon and Daniels arguing.

So much emotion.
I think my real favorite character to watch was String.... dude was so strong and feared, yet so weak... Idk how to describe it
Like the sheep in wolf's clothing?
ya exactly, his character actually reminds me a lot of Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire
Mcnulty and Sting's accents BLEW my mind. It was mind bottling.

ya exactly, his character actually reminds me a lot of Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire
If you watch more of BWE, you might realize that that may not be the case for Enoch.

I first straw stringer(Ibris Elba) in a movie called Rocknrolla.

So it was mind bottling to see him in the wire.
If you watch more of BWE, you might realize that that may not be the case for Enoch.
I'm like one or two episodes in to season 3 and I kinda see it already.... but I feel like this dude can't keep it up 
If you watch more of BWE, you might realize that that may not be the case for Enoch.
I'm like one or two episodes in to season 3 and I kinda see it already.... but I feel like this dude can't keep it up 
I'm on ep. 7 on season 3.

Oh, nevermind then.

What do you like about BWE?

Fav. characters?
Well I really liked Darmody............ and I like Richard and Eddie but neither are main character. So I guess I'd have to say Al Capone and A.R. 

Van Alden is a pretty hilarious antagonist, I enjoy Michael Shannon's job of him; but I certainly don't like that character.
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