the thread about nothing...

do people ever egg random people they dont know?

long story short, walking home past an apartment. gets hit by random egg. hears voices from up a couple stories but sees no one on balconies. left me all confused til i got home. i aint eem mad.almost thought some random bird gave birth mid air but then remembered the voices.
not exactly... story time!

back many moons ago in middle school walking home about half way through the year so I remember every kid going the same route everyday etc. one day walking up a hill a mustang came by and this white dude in the passenger yells at me WHOO!, straight outta a frat party, chuckled, thought nothing of it and went home. about 2 weeks later an asian girl walking way ahead of me, i knew the route and everything, was a friend, where she lived etc. she turns the corner right and the mustang comes again turns right and thats it. called me out from ahead "Mario!" I go what, have you seen those guys before, I go nah what's up (to see where this was going with), she goes they just flashed me pron in magazines!. oh word?

about days later mustang comes, passes me by and throws a magazine out the window lands yards ahead of me but I still walk casually towards it as if no reaction. dudes had straight pron mags, not like hustler or playboy where they try to attempt to be classy just straight up legs open of chicks n ****. cept I wasn't about that yambs life at 12 so I just walked on laughing.

I really thought this story involved eggs..
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^Why would you assume that everyone knows that a pop tart is?
Pop tarts been out since 1967, and have been "Pop Tarts" the whole?

I'm mean, they got commercials, bruh.
I don't understand what you mean by your question.

Commercials are made to entice people into buying their product.

Usually those people are not aware that said product exists.

Here's a personal example: Nutella has been out since 1963 and I barely found out about it last year.

All I'm saying is that there's no logical reason to be surprised that someone doesn't know about said product.
Sam Jackson (cursing and all)
Barry White
Most people say I sound like Barry White.
iYEn, how many people do you want to sound like?
Lots. It's not really that I want to sound like them. I just would like to be a good impressionist.

I'd be busting out diff. voices for diff. situations.

Job interviews:Obama

Class presentations:Laurence Fishburne

String wasn't weak. Just thought he was smarter than everyone. Too arrogant.
Even Avon saw that he was getting played by Clay.
Random question, how do you guys wash your hands?

I notice 80% of people use soap then rinse. I always rinsed, soaped then rinsed again.
My hands wash themselves.

Spartacus has got to be the most alpha show that I've ever watched.

I been saying go the longest Leonardo DiCaprio needs to play a bad guy. Check,

Now he needs to be Vash the Stampede.
calm down iyen.

plenty of girls have deep voices

fine; maybe a little less deep. i just want to be able to project when i talk. lol
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if you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other people, you are settling. 

fair assumption?
Everyone settles because nobody is with their ideal woman. Meaning, if you had a create a woman mode and you could make a women, I doubt anyone would make their woman look like their actual mate.

But yea

if you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other people, you are settling. 

fair assumption?
Naw I don't think so.... 

when I was in a relationship, at the beginning of it I flirted and pushed the lines but I still loved her to death.

It was just a phase IMO, trying to get used to being in a relationship and all.
i think i missed the cold shower talk, but the only time I take a cold shower is when I'm hot. logically.

Like warm hot hot?

I thought there was 4 reasons why a person would take a cold shower.

1. The gas is off.
2. They're drunk and need to sober up.
3. They're feeling frisky and need to calm down.
4. They're borderline oding on X.
if you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other people, you are settling. 

fair assumption?
Everyone settles because nobody is with their ideal woman. Meaning, if you had a create a woman mode and you could make a women, I doubt anyone would make their woman look like their actual mate.

I don't think everybody settles. word to

  • 6,337 Posts. Joined 1/2002
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My mind is so blown guys...

It's like.... I'm shocked that being myself is what keeps my girlfriend and I in love...

Most other girls would have been overwhelmed or unappreciative for what I do for her. She's loved every minute, gift, date....everything. Everything I do draws her closer and closer to me....and vice versa.

I'm legit shocked, surprised and grateful to have someone I'm perfectly compatible with.
i think i missed the cold shower talk, but the only time I take a cold shower is when I'm hot. logically.
Like warm hot hot?

I thought there was 4 reasons why a person would take a cold shower.

1. The gas is off.
2. They're drunk and need to sober up.
3. They're feeling frisky and need to calm down.
4. They're borderline oding on X.
 like mid-august hot

those reasons seem legit though.
if you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other people, you are settling. 

fair assumption?
Naw I don't think so.... 

when I was in a relationship, at the beginning of it I flirted and pushed the lines but I still loved her to death.

It was just a phase IMO, trying to get used to being in a relationship and all.
you have a point, but you were not in love with her from the beginning (were you?)
never been to the LB aquarium, but aquariums as cool as ****. your boys are lames for not being down to go.

you should keep that place in your back pocket for dates in the summer.
they are and i am. their loss.

never been there either, TAN socal summit at the aquarium of the pacific 

the LB aquarium sucks *** 

Everyone settles because nobody is with their ideal woman. Meaning, if you had a create a woman mode and you could make a women, I doubt anyone would make their woman look like their actual mate.

But yea
it's better to watch it in mute 
so all I know I'm  upstairs listening to my will smith cd and I see all these flames going everywhere...
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