the thread about nothing...

if you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other people, you are settling. 

fair assumption?
Naw I don't think so.... 

when I was in a relationship, at the beginning of it I flirted and pushed the lines but I still loved her to death.

It was just a phase IMO, trying to get used to being in a relationship and all.
you have a point, but you were not in love with her from the beginning (were you?)
I was not..... hell she was the one that basically asked if we were in a relationship or not 

but overtime like a few months I really made a 180, was super committed, and for all intents and purposes I was the greatest boyfriend alive.

whatever, I'm done talking about this 

*grabs the vodka and tissues, goes to rewatch 500 Days of Summer*
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never been to the LB aquarium, but aquariums as cool as ****. your boys are lames for not being down to go.

you should keep that place in your back pocket for dates in the summer.
they are and i am. their loss.

never been there either, TAN socal summit at the aquarium of the pacific 

the LB aquarium sucks *** 
How about Santa Monica?? Theres a bunch of bars out there, plus I feel like most of you guys live north of LA anyways 
if you are in a relationship and you are flirting with other people, you are settling. 

fair assumption?
Everyone settles because nobody is with their ideal woman. Meaning, if you had a create a woman mode and you could make a women, I doubt anyone would make their woman look like their actual mate.


I don't think everybody settles. word to

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My mind is so blown guys...

It's like.... I'm shocked that being myself is what keeps my girlfriend and I in love...

Most other girls would have been overwhelmed or unappreciative for what I do for her. She's loved every minute, gift, date....everything. Everything I do draws her closer and closer to me....and vice versa.

I'm legit shocked, surprised and grateful to have someone I'm perfectly compatible with.


Thats an exception to the rule
Man, hope it rains tonight.

That midnight storm sleep. :pimp:

It never rains all night in Texas.
How about Santa Monica?? Theres a bunch of bars out there, plus I feel like most of you guys live north of LA anyways 
i was thinking LB since you and i both have ex's from there that make us 
 when we think of LB so if we made new happy memories there, LB would make us 
 when we think of it.

santa monica is dope though i agree, HB is a ton of fun too and the girls 
How about Santa Monica?? Theres a bunch of bars out there, plus I feel like most of you guys live north of LA anyways 
i was thinking LB since you and i both have ex's from there that make us 

 when we think of LB so if we made new happy memories there, LB would make us 

 when we think of it.
santa monica is dope though i agree, HB is a ton of fun too and the girls 

I live in SM. It's coo.
How about Santa Monica?? Theres a bunch of bars out there, plus I feel like most of you guys live north of LA anyways 
i was thinking LB since you and i both have ex's from there that make us 
 when we think of LB so if we made new happy memories there, LB would make us 
 when we think of it.

santa monica is dope though i agree, HB is a ton of fun too and the girls 
Me and my boy have season tickets for LA Galaxy again....... Idk what to do with em since I for sure won't be making it every week or two for the games 

I honestly don't think I've been to LB since we split. I know that entire LB/OC area like the back of my hand 

Hell I got a 24 hour membership cuz I was down there so much and they don't have the gym I go to in Sac down there 

EDIT: **** it, lets just run 3rd street in LB for a night 
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How about Santa Monica?? Theres a bunch of bars out there, plus I feel like most of you guys live north of LA anyways 
i was thinking LB since you and i both have ex's from there that make us 

 when we think of LB so if we made new happy memories there, LB would make us 

 when we think of it.
santa monica is dope though i agree, HB is a ton of fun too and the girls 
I live in SM. It's coo.
any suggestions on where to go??

I've only been around downtown SM/the pier there. 
I live in SM. It's coo.
lucky, i wanted to move there but the position i was offered was filled while i was looking for places to live 
 i love SM
Me and my boy have season tickets for LA Galaxy again....... Idk what to do with em since I for sure won't be making it every week or two for the games 

I honestly don't think I've been to LB since we split. I know that entire LB/OC area like the back of my hand 

Hell I got a 24 hour membership cuz I was down there so much and they don't have the gym I go to in Sac down there 

EDIT: **** it, lets just run 3rd street in LB for a night 
i'm trying to set something up with my friends, i'll let you know what i come up with and hit you up, i want to do something for my birthday in early april
how did it go the other night? you said you were heading out, did you go through.

any stories?
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