the thread about nothing...

hate being laughed at :smh: i feel like the whole corporate finance class thinks im crazy.

Why are they laughing at you?

two things happened and everyone around me was like what is this kid smoking?

professor: why cant the us government ever default?
me: two reasons, we have bases all over the world and because we are the world reserve currency
professor: no, because we have the printing presses
everyone: laughs

im like......... yea we do but its not technically "our printing press" the federal reserve isnt even a part of the american govt.

then i ask her this question

me: is the dollar debt? because on top of every dollar bill we have says "federal reserve note" making money=debt. so how are we using debt to buy debt (t-bills and bonds) and get repaid in debt?
professor: the dollar is an asset
me: but the original definition of a dollar was a unit of weight measured in gold or silver
professor: we got off the gold standard in 1971 so essentially every dollar is a dollar, its still an asset because thats our unit of exchange to purchase more goods.
me: how is it not debt now? when the government prints it?
professor corrects me: the central bank prints the money and it becomes an asset.
me: yea but its conjured out of nothing and it becomes debt. thats how a dollar comes into existence.
girl in the back: a dollar is an asset
professor: its a debt to the central bank, but its an asset to everyone else. "ITS ONLY BECAUSE OF DOUBLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING"

i was mind blown by that and just kept my mouth shut.
sounded like ol girl in the back rolled her eyes when she said that. should have thrown your books at her before she even finished her sentence
You sound like you've been in college three semesters and now you know everything. :lol:

Certain professors it's not even worth the energy to question them
Is it possible to cry under water?
fun fact of the day.


 this was the first thing that came to mind.
Worst hangover ever right now. I was cooking for an event last night with the wild hockey players it was a benefit for children. All they gave us to drink for 8 hours was bud light platinum. It was too busy to go buy Gatorade or something. They just kept giving us cases of platinum :lol: 8 hour shift substitute beer for water is a horrible idea.
my entire apartment unit smells like super glue................. I think these fumes are about to knock me out
my entire apartment unit smells like super glue................. I think these fumes are about to knock me out

What the hell were you doing?

@Andy, what you said sort of made sense to me in my limited knowledge of economics and stuff (that stuff didn't really interest me like that though). Sounds like the chick in the back just didn't want to listen to the back and forth between you and your professor. I would have chucked a book at her....:lol:
Forest run my mind boy....:smokin

love that movie...i get emotional at the end though :frown:
You sound like you've been in college three semesters and now you know everything. :lol:

Certain professors it's not even worth the energy to question them

my understanding of money is gold,silver= money. anything else is a poor substitute that can be highly manipulated. is the dollar not debt? thats why we gotta form more bubbles to create this artificial standard of living in murrika while enslaving the masses with debt.

i asked her that question to gauge how other professors in the finance,econ,accounting field view money. cause the misinformation gets passed along the masses like its the truth.
my entire apartment unit smells like super glue................. I think these fumes are about to knock me out

What the hell were you doing?

@Andy, what you said sort of made sense to me in my limited knowledge of economics and stuff (that stuff didn't really interest me like that though). Sounds like the chick in the back just didn't want to listen to the back and forth between you and your professor. I would have chucked a book at her....:lol:

il try to take a pic of her. shes freaking cute, but when it comes to doing these financial equations we are on the same level. :rofl:
I didn't intend to argue, just making a joke. I see what you're saying... And it can be frustrated when professors pass on a lot of information and students never question it as if professors are infallible.
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