the thread about nothing...

So i went in...fixed a file that had a bunch of errors....boss sends an email out saying..."I fixed the file yesterday"

No you didn't....i fixed it...|I
never getting credit.....
i thought his name was Wilson

none the less happy born day Nawzlew!
I was told that's what you call a person that was born under the Aries zodiac sign 

Your gonna get a lot of BS and alpha BS cause if that situation but at the end of the day do what makes you happy.

Everyone's situations is different.

Sorry it didn't work out.
Happy Birthday to me ... :smile:
Happy bday .

Saw the girl from last semester that called me thirsty at the beginning at this semester :lol: . My and my boy were laughing cause we ignored her and she ignored us yet a few weeks back she came up to HIM asking if he was my boy and said hi. (Im always with him in school) I had forgotten about her.
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Salute LOT.

Happy Bday Nazlew and the homie Loubaton. Enjoy fellas. Y'all have a good day. I'll be off and on today.
what really real is deliberately putting your midterm on the same day as our other exam for the course after several request to change the date from several different individuals.

yes im mad, yes i've been studying.
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