the thread about nothing...

4th of all,Super Mario Bros.3 is impossible to beat.
I used to think the Takooni suit was a bear with a raccoon tail.

There's so many games I used to play on NES and never even sniffed the ending of them.

I'll have my revenge one day

Y'all serious? Mario bros 3 was the easiest imo. I beat that game like 5 times :lol:. It's a mystery how I could not beat Super Mario Bros. 1&2. I deserve the jags fan gif for that.
now EBW reminds me of Kimbo Slice clips for some odd reason :lol:.

Thanks for the well wishes guys.
In 5th grade my brother and I 3-D'd a kid through a table, well not really through the table did not break, kid got hurt, and basically started crying so we ran and left him there. The worst thing about it is that it was at our graduation :lol:

Super Mario 3 was the hardest to me, then one.

Super Mario World though >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Best mario game ever made
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In 5th grade my brother and I 3-D'd a kid through a table, well not really through the table did not break, kid got hurt, and basically started crying so we ran and left him there. The worst thing about it is that it was at our graduation :lol:

Super Mario 3 was the hardest to me, then one.

Super Mario World though >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Best mario game ever made


We used real chairs and would hit the **** out of each other. That's DEFINITELY why my back is so messed up now.

My finisher was the crazy drop :pimp:
In 5th grade my brother and I 3-D'd a kid through a table, well not really through the table did not break, kid got hurt, and basically started crying so we ran and left him there. The worst thing about it is that it was at our graduation :lol:
:lol: damn that's cold. I once tiger bombed my neighbor and followed up with a frog splash. This dude snitched on me and his parents ended up having a talk with mine.
4th of all,Super Mario Bros.3 is impossible to beat.
I used to think the Takooni suit was a bear with a raccoon tail.

There's so many games I used to play on NES and never even sniffed the ending of them.

I'll have my revenge one day
Y'all serious? Mario bros 3 was the easiest imo. I beat that game like 5 times
. It's a mystery how I could not beat Super Mario Bros. 1&2. I deserve the jags fan gif for that.
Man I was one of those kids, that jumped from one thing to another without finishing anything

If I had a book about my life it would probably be called "Unfinished Project"
Maannn, they completely flipped the staff at the deli in my building. These new folks don't know how to make a Ruben sandwich, asking me dumb *** questions like do i want sauerkraut? Do I want white or wheat bread? What kind of cheese?

Man I just got a cheeseburger.... :smh:
When we were kids one of my aunts wouldnt buy my cousins new video games until they beat the other ones 100%. They were the only people I knew with 120 stars in Super Mario 64. It was a genius parenting move.

. You lucked out those nasty things are not Trill
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now EBW reminds me of Kimbo Slice clips for some odd reason :lol:.

Thanks for the well wishes guys.

I hope that chemo does the trick and it isn't too harsh on your pops- I hate seeing/hearing people go through that

Thanks. I think he'll be fine this time. He already had it twice before. I'm nervous for my future.

:lol: Pablo, I got the furthest in Mario 3. I got to 8-2 on the first one. Kept dying like crazy. Gave up and said F that princess b :lol:. Part 2 was just....idk :lol:. I did a lot of partial plays too. I stuck with a few games, then switched to sports :lol:.

All these wrasslin moves coming out :lol:
Maannn, they completely flipped the staff at the deli in my building. These new folks don't know how to make a Ruben sandwich, asking me dumb *** questions like do i want sauerkraut? Do I want white or wheat bread? What kind of cheese?

Man I just got a cheeseburger.... :smh:

I'd go behind the counter and start hittin errbody with DDT's yo
now EBW reminds me of Kimbo Slice clips for some odd reason

Thanks for the well wishes guys.
I hope that chemo does the trick and it isn't too harsh on your pops- I hate seeing/hearing people go through that
Thanks. I think he'll be fine this time. He already had it twice before. I'm nervous for my future.

Pablo, I got the furthest in Mario 3. I got to 8-2 on the first one. Kept dying like crazy. Gave up and said F that princess b
. Part 2 was just....idk
. I did a lot of partial plays too. I stuck with a few games, then switched to sports

All these wrasslin moves coming out
After a few deaths, I switched to something else, then failed and switched to something else...then ended up playing a racing game or double dribble or some ****

I didnt really start finishing games until N64/PSX days

When you think about North Korea and if they were able to really pull it off. The distance between them and the plant and they still felt it.
When we were kids one of my aunts wouldnt buy my cousins new video games until they beat the other ones 100%. They were the only people I knew with 120 stars in Super Mario 64. It was a genius parenting move.

Ruebens:x . You lucked out those nasty things are not Trill

Whaaa?? Ruebens are dope when made correctly, but you dont like grits doe so, understandable.
:wow: double dribble. I have that on an emulator somewhere. I miss Arch Rivals too...then this...


:lol: @ Tr1ll's grits response
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