the thread about nothing...

Everybody needs to be like Franc
Sailor Moon might be the most slept on Anime ever.

I would have to say Ranma 1/2.

You're going to say its not because you didn't sleep, but the average Joe Blow doesnt know what the eff a Ranma 1/2 it.

Everyone knows about Sailor Moon in some way, shape or form.
I see nothing wrong with being gross, or a creeper.

society made me this way, b. and girls like my kind of creepy. :smokin

Ranma :smokin :smokin
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It's just gross because my roommates gross.

She kisses the dog after the dog licks my feet. I didn't tell her though...
Well, she's not of this country tho..... Like I'm Canadian, I do plenty of weird ****.


I say hi to everyone and am super friendly to people when I'm out and aboot.

I haven't gone ice skating in about 10 years, I'm pretty sure I could still do it.

I can be in T-shirt and Ugg boots while I'm in Tahoe during the winter

I enjoy poutine

thats about all I can think 

It's just gross because my roommates gross.

She kisses the dog after the dog licks my feet. I didn't tell her though...
that dog was prbly licking his own nuts before that & she still didnt care
Probably eating out his own butt hole and eating its own ****
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Y'all ouchea sniffin draws yo :lol:

I just took them after I smashed or asked for them, I was a collector :lol: they were like trophies. kept them in the pink SB boxes.

It's just gross because my roommates gross.

She kisses the dog after the dog licks my feet. I didn't tell her though...

bruh last night, my girls dog was going super ham licking herself. my girl comes in, sits on the bed, dog leaps up on the bed and starts licking her face.

I didn't know what to do so I just kept playing Minecraft :lol:

Now I know why i dont buy Mike's, havent had a pair in yrs, got these and wore em for the first time today...smh pathetic. I feel like i been to war in my Brons and they all holding up like steel.

Now I know why i dont buy Mike's, havent had a pair in yrs, got these and wore em for the first time today...smh pathetic. I feel like i been to war in my Brons and they all holding up like steel.

Leather creases bruh...

U should post dat in the correct forum btw. :D

Now I know why i dont buy Mike's, havent had a pair in yrs, got these and wore em for the first time today...smh pathetic. I feel like i been to war in my Brons and they all holding up like steel.

Shoe forum is that way holmes ------------------->>>>>

That Steezy pic.. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :rofl:
Just got out of my Philosophy exam. Before the professor handed the scantron out he said, "I took the exam this morning and got a C-, good luck."

... :x
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