the thread about nothing...

Happy Monday tan fam. Haven't been on NT much this weekend cause I've been so damn busy.

Trying to prep for the move is stressing me out. I don't even know how to pack. :smh:
Salute LOT,

It's Monday :x, let's make the best of it.

PZEE, keep it down man :lol:
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omg it never ends 

I honestly don't get why you complain. You always respond, yet you say you're tired of going back and forth with him. When he posts a gif, you respond with one of your own. You're playing the game too, so stop complaining. It's just a joke.
Thats Aaron Rodgers
What happened to her man SMH.

She actually says boner alert though lulz

Aaron Rodgers? Shoot....I would buy every one on TAN a new computer if I had that kind of contract. Mine is substantially smaller and far less important.

Please take a second to sign/share/send/support this:

We got over 500 electronic signatures in one week! (not to mention the hard copy petition going around locally that one of my brother's friends is passing around).

Went to the Skatepark this weekend to scout it/take pictures/pass out flyers and ran into the future of area Skateboarding in Woodbridge:





They were awesome and kept saying "Are you going to put us in a magazine!....Take my picture next!"

Appreciate the support so far!
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that's dope JS34.

Good monday everybody.

First exam went smoothly, finished in 1 hour and dipped. On to the next one!
It's Monday and I normally complain, but I can't even do it. Making the best of today and this week for that matter. Yall NT dudes do the same :smokin
So there was this girl i was low key beasting over about 3 months ago. We hung out a few times and ended up hooking up a month ago. I hadn't seen her since the hook up but tried. She was always "busy" with school work. Which i just thought was a blow off which i was cool with like welp lost another one.

But she just turned in her 2 big assignments and hits me up friday to get drinks. I was like ok maybe you actually were just busy or something. We go out get drinks at 9 stay til close get home at about 130. Casual hug goodbye

We make plans for Saturday tentatively. She hits me up at 3 to grab food chill outside enjoy the nice weather. We end up hanging out from 3pm until about 1:15am. Switched bars went and actually played catch with the football since she is playing co-ed football and sucks and wanted some pointers :lol:.

But end up back at my place at about 1:30 and yambs were had she left the next morning at about 11 since i had a soccer game.

The problem:
She wants to go to grad school in Seattle....we live in MD.
She is really afraid of commitment. Well not really afraid maybe just apathetic toward having a bf since she openly says "i don't need a bf i feel like girls date guys because they need love in return and i get that from my family i don't need to reach out for it" She is real close with her family since her mom passed about 2 years ago. Its her 1 brother and 2 sisters and her dad. My response to her saying that though was "Its not like you are going to fall in love right away it just starts with hanging out with some one then you realize you like hanging out with them...and want to see them again....and that repeats and you grow together" and she was like i guess you are right.....then we proceeded to hang out all day sooooooo

But i really don't know what to do since she says she doesn't want a bf....we obviously get along really well....i haven't liked a girl this much in a long long time....and now that yambs were had im all sorts of wanting to run it back.
So there was this girl i was low key beasting over about 3 months ago. We hung out a few times and ended up hooking up a month ago. I hadn't seen her since the hook up but tried. She was always "busy" with school work. Which i just thought was a blow off which i was cool with like welp lost another one.

But she just turned in her 2 big assignments and hits me up friday to get drinks. I was like ok maybe you actually were just busy or something. We go out get drinks at 9 stay til close get home at about 130. Casual hug goodbye

We make plans for Saturday tentatively. She hits me up at 3 to grab food chill outside enjoy the nice weather. We end up hanging out from 3pm until about 1:15am. Switched bars went and actually played catch with the football since she is playing co-ed football and sucks and wanted some pointers :lol:.

But end up back at my place at about 1:30 and yambs were had she left the next morning at about 11 since i had a soccer game.

The problem:
She wants to go to grad school in Seattle....we live in MD.
She is really afraid of commitment. Well not really afraid maybe just apathetic toward having a bf since she openly says "i don't need a bf i feel like girls date guys because they need love in return and i get that from my family i don't need to reach out for it" She is real close with her family since her mom passed about 2 years ago. Its her 1 brother and 2 sisters and her dad. My response to her saying that though was "Its not like you are going to fall in love right away it just starts with hanging out with some one then you realize you like hanging out with them...and want to see them again....and that repeats and you grow together" and she was like i guess you are right.....then we proceeded to hang out all day sooooooo

But i really don't know what to do since she says she doesn't want a bf....we obviously get along really well....i haven't liked a girl this much in a long long time....and now that yambs were had im all sorts of wanting to run it back.

I think you made a smart move with the "its not like you fall in love right away line..." because that's true. Even if you get love from your family you can still want/need a different kind of love that comes from being in a relationship. If you really like her then keep hanging out with her. Even if she is going to grad school in Seattle after this summer you should still enjoy the summer with her if that's what you wanna do. You can learn a lot from short romances if you know how to let them go when the time comes. Plus it's fun and you don't have to deal with the things that come in real relationships. And if you want a real relationship you may be able to have that too. Grad school is only a year and she will most likely be too busy to be looking for other men if she's already busy as an undergrad. The fact that she did actually hang out with you for an extended period when she wasn't busy says a lot. Good luck.

That makes a lot of sense appreciate it. Might as well enjoy it now and worry later.
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