the thread about nothing...

The more CGI in a movie the less I want to see it.

I think that's why I hate most movies nowadays.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21


I might hit a !$!#% over the head with a bottle too

Spoiler [+]

dat cameltoe
, fb is nothing but trouble man
Originally Posted by swendro88

The more CGI in a movie the less I want to see it.

I think that's why I hate most movies nowadays.

I hate that too man, to me it ruins movies, and makes everybody look like final fantasy
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

NT on Wikipedia:
NikeTalk is an Internet forum for the discussion of sneakers and sneaker collecting. The community is on the Yuku network. This website was started by Nelson Cabral, from Montreal in Canada on December 10, 1999. Since then Niketalk has evolved past just talking about shoes, and now is a place for discussion about sports, the media, music, video games, and the news. After the Miami Heat won Game 2 of the NBA Finals, Niketalk imploded due to all of the hate towards LeBron James from Kobe stans and is still down for maintenance.
Originally Posted by swendro88

The more CGI in a movie the less I want to see it.

I think that's why I hate most movies nowadays.
What are some examples of movies that have a lot of cgi that you didn't want to see?
IMO cgi is needed because there's a lot of situations that just can not look "real."
^ yeah basically any and all comic book movies. Transformers. I can't get hyped about any of it, but obviously CGI is necessary for those types of movies. Action movies in general I guess. Anything that's clearly just shot in front of a green screen.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Went to the gym, @**$ was closed. L

Tried to hit up a chick to
with. She doesn't hit me back. L

Tired to hit up the weedman, he's out. L

After weedman tells me he's out, said chick hits me back. L

#@## like this has been happening to me lately too fam

I got money that I want to spend. I want to give motha #!%##$@ my money, but they don't want it.

I want chicks to keep it real with me, even if it means damaging my feelings in some way, just say it, but they don't. %+++*! have treated sparing feelings like a sport.

I gotta restructure my entire mindset so that these things will happen in reverse.
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by swendro88

The more CGI in a movie the less I want to see it.
I think that's why I hate most movies nowadays.
What are some examples of movies that have a lot of cgi that you didn't want to see?
IMO cgi is needed because there's a lot of situations that just can not look "real."
I think for me the CGI in I Am Legend was 
. When you finally saw the creatures that were after Will, it was like you were playing PS1 Resident Evil.
Originally Posted by swendro88

^ yeah basically any and all comic book movies. Transformers. I can't get hyped about any of it, but obviously CGI is necessary for those types of movies. Action movies in general I guess. Anything that's clearly just shot in front of a green screen.

Okay I see why you don't like cgi.
What's your solution?
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by swendro88

^ yeah basically any and all comic book movies. Transformers. I can't get hyped about any of it, but obviously CGI is necessary for those types of movies. Action movies in general I guess. Anything that's clearly just shot in front of a green screen.

Okay I see why you don't like cgi.
What's your solution?

real robots, duh.
For me, the solution is don't watch those movies.

For movie makers...idk. Practical effects...make movies that don't rely so heavily on CGI. idk
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by swendro88

The more CGI in a movie the less I want to see it.
I think that's why I hate most movies nowadays.
What are some examples of movies that have a lot of cgi that you didn't want to see?
IMO cgi is needed because there's a lot of situations that just can not look "real."
I think for me the CGI in I Am Legend was 
. When you finally saw the creatures that were after Will, it was like you were playing PS1 Resident Evil.

HD and Blu-ray don't help anything. All CGI be looking soo obvious.
I'm studying like crazy for the trig regents but I still think I'm gonna fail . Stressing out
Originally Posted by swendro88

For me, the solution is don't watch those movies.

For movie makers...idk. Practical effects...make movies that don't rely so heavily on CGI. idk
What are some movies that would have been better if they had not have heavily relied?
I think cgi is needed for action movies besides action movies that involve hand to hand fighting, or shooters.
Especially movies that involve things that don't exist or situations that are impossible.
Originally Posted by Shoryuken

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Speaking of weak cgi.. I'm watching shark night..

I've seen the trailer to that.

Speaking of CGI: I rewatched Matrix Revolutions again and IDK what happened but I liked Revolutions even more than the first one.
It used to be Reloaded>Matrix>Revolutions but now it's Reloaded>Revolutions>Matrix.
I might change if I watch the first one again.
Oh yeah, the CGI in that movie was

Machine City and the sentinels looked spectacular/awesome!
Really starting to get into EDM recently. I hear it so much when I go to Vegas and becoming increasingly dissatisfied with hip hop so I decided it to give it more of a chance
Originally Posted by iYen

What are some movies that would have been better if they had not have heavily relied?

Can't really think of anything really. To me those movies are about nothing other than the CGI. It's not like Transformers movie plots are worth a damn. The whole point of the movie is to see giant robots fighting. The movie would def be worse without CGI, but that doesn't make the movie good to begin with imo. Same goes for the comic book movies. The plots are pretty thin. The point is to see super heroes doing super hero stuff. Not possible without CGI. Batman has been the only comic book movie series I can get into and it def relies on CGI a lot less than other comic book movies.

Originally Posted by iYen

I think cgi is needed for action movies besides action movies that involve hand to hand fighting, or shooters.
Especially movies that involve things that don't exist or situations that are impossible.

Agreed. I mostly prefer movies that are based in reality though. Stuff like Heat or Die Hard (& with a vengeance, which did have that ridiculous surfing on a dump truck scene).

Off the top of my head I can name The Matrix, LOTR, and Jurassic park as movies that use a lot of CGI that I do like. The Matrix and LOTR had great stories though, and the CGI was icing on the cake.At the time those movies came out the CGI was truly groundbreaking. Jurassic Park CGI still looks great to this day and there aren't many, if any, scenes that are straight CGI. And Inception is one of my favorite movies of all time, but a most of that movie is a mix of practical effects and CGI. The hotel room scene was an actual set. The snow base was a miniature model.

I guess it mostly boils down to genre. I prefer movies with strong plots, great characters, dialogue, what-have-you.

If I want action, I'd just assume play a video game.
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