the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Cap - Just to answer your question about my earlier posts. I do not have a close male friend because I find it can never work out. Like ya, of course I talk to guys,but a lot of them I will keep them as acquaintances. I have also learned that if you want to talk to a guy just even casually, just the fact you do, makes him think you are interested. I am a friendly person,but it doesn't mean that since I casually talk to you that I am interested in that way. So sometimes I just let it die off since their intent in their head is, I want to hit that, or I am interested in her (but I am not interested to take it to more than friends).
Trust me, I understand. It isn't possible to sustain for any real length of time I know.

Just curious, you ladies don't say any phrases or words that might lead male friends on right?
They really debating LeBron vs MJ right now PTO

ESPN be on some other #*!@ sometimes, yo...
Evaluating a relationship and where it is gonna go is really hard when you know the end is in sight.....cue usher song. Either burn or climax
Originally Posted by Carver

They really debating LeBron vs MJ right now PTO

ESPN be on some other #*!@ sometimes, yo...
I havent watched anything on ESPN since gm 3 ... that includes Gm 4 itself.. only the dying secs of the ga,e.. Id just get mad irked.. dont wanna see that #!%!% $%%@* win but its most likely gonna happen... It is what it is.. I probably wont watch gm 5 til like the 4th 
A burrito from Chipotle drenched in tobasco does not do the bootyhole good Smh

Got me walkin like "2 snaps n a twist"
JFMartiMcDandruff wrote:
Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ
i think I got like 12 million on that run, with Rune back in the day.
that and the airport in THPS3 = millions
i think they brought back all the old music and maps...will be buying, hopefully i could fix my ps3 in time smh

hopefully they don't change a damn thing..
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by Carver

They really debating LeBron vs MJ right now PTO

ESPN be on some other #*!@ sometimes, yo...
I havent watched anything on ESPN since gm 3 ... that includes Gm 4 itself.. only the dying secs of the ga,e.. Id just get mad irked.. dont wanna see that #!%!% $%%@* win but its most likely gonna happen... It is what it is.. I probably wont watch gm 5 til like the 4th 

broo I'm with you on not wanting LBJ to win one
but if somehow OKC can get their game together and win this game I believe they will be back in control and pressure back on MIA having to play on the road in OKC where they're phenomenal at home..they need harden to step up fools been straight doodoo
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by Carver

They really debating LeBron vs MJ right now PTO

ESPN be on some other #*!@ sometimes, yo...
I havent watched anything on ESPN since gm 3 ... that includes Gm 4 itself.. only the dying secs of the ga,e.. Id just get mad irked.. dont wanna see that #!%!% $%%@* win but its most likely gonna happen... It is what it is.. I probably wont watch gm 5 til like the 4th 

broo I'm with you on not wanting LBJ to win one
but if somehow OKC can get their game together and win this game I believe they will be back in control and pressure back on MIA having to play on the road in OKC where they're phenomenal at home..they need harden to step up fools been straight doodoo
Originally Posted by Carver

Enough with Lebron
Hows your pup doing Bottom? You training the little dude yet?

 Man I think I was bamboozled. He's a little bigger than when I got him and dude his starting to resemble a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Everyone says he's mixed with a boxer but idk man. So far I have been able to teach him his name and he responds when he feels like it. 
Mmmm from what I remember in the pics, he does kinddaaaa look like a staffordshire/pitbull whatever.. but he does look mixed boxer. Any new pics I want to sees this.
Originally Posted by Carver

Mmmm from what I remember in the pics, he does kinddaaaa look like a staffordshire/pitbull whatever.. but he does look mixed boxer. Any new pics I want to sees this.

I'll take some new pics tomorrow or Saturday. I didn't really sweat it too much because I got a real good deal on him ($300 for cage, 1st set of puppy shots, dewormed, frontline). He's teething now so the biting is getting annoying. I ready somewhere I should either put some pennies/marbles in a tin can and shake it at him or spray him with a water bottle when he does it so we stops. 
Originally Posted by Shox23

Originally Posted by rice boy 45

my sleeping pattern is messed up.. going to try & fix it by tonight... anyone ever tried neurosleep? there's are whole series of "neuro-" drinks, they look like lava lamps.
me 2  i can't go to sleep before 6 am
Are yall getting much time outdoors during the day? Try staying away from monitors at night after 11pm (no cellphones, laptops, or tv). I had the same problem when I worked at a restaurant and getting some sunlight and avoiding artificial light late at night does wonders. And otc melatonin. Good luck.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Carver

Enough with Lebron
Hows your pup doing Bottom? You training the little dude yet?

 Man I think I was bamboozled. He's a little bigger than when I got him and dude his starting to resemble a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Everyone says he's mixed with a boxer but idk man. So far I have been able to teach him his name and he responds when he feels like it. 
My dog is 3 and he still does this 
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Windows 95�

Just watched MoneyBall ... again�

YT comment:

That awkward moment when your only famous song is sung better than you by a 9 year old.

Such a good movie and song. 
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