the thread about nothing...

rob I love you, and I'm sure the TAN loves's not that serious. Reps don't matter and I'm sure that you are an intellectual juggernaut. Sorry for any time I might have offended you.
The only thing I have against the rep system is some people are afraid to quote it.If we were on yuku still,people would
quote it and be like
but noooooooooo.
What exactly are you going to when they openly quote someone rather than repping them?
you are a successful troll
you've said that you're done with him like 5 times already.
Just block him.
At this point, I'm starting to think that you like the attention.
More like a successful mosquito who loves to suck me up.

Says the guy who uses the blowing a guy gif all the time

I just have one question mental ******, when you rage . . .

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I just watched the movie salt and it was disappointing and highly unrealistic. Some of the action scenes were cool tho. Not sure if I even fully understand the plot.
Just got off work. Had to leave 30 min late smh. Bc my coworkers took too damn long to clean,smdh.

They didn't even finish.
Amber Alert (in Manhattan) message my phone just got gave me chills. Finding out it's for a 7 month old baby :wow: .
Pages and pages of the same thing....... The PYG thread and that money erasing problems thread got me in the feels.
Praying I hear back from 2 job opportunities I've attempted to capitalize on in the past week. Waiting on that email and/or phone call from both.
Salute LOT,

Gotta bark on my co worker this morning. She bugs the **** out of me, but it has to be done. I'm tired of letting her slide but she's done some egregious **** in my book. I always hate having to do this but it's a necessary evil :smh:. I don't know what happened here last night but I saw too many pages from late night TAN and I don't feel like readin the back and forth from Rob and whoever. It's too early to read all that nonsense.

Waking up and it's already 80 degrees. Go to the bathroom and come back 15 min later and it's 82. This makes no sense.
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