the thread about nothing...


damn near shed a tear.
Antidope have you tried portable apps (portable chrome/Firefox in particular)?
If you can get .exe programs to run it may work :\
Ms Gomez talking bout blowing me away in her dreams :wow: :evil:
Link? I definitely should try that, now that I think about it I've never attempted to download anything on my work computer. 
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Salute LOT,

    It's Friday and I feel real good. I see some potential on the horizon and I hope it works out. Which leads me to this...

Where's the story
  My bad, I went to bed. Ok, I don't want to drag it out, but I don't want to jinx it. The story pertains to a potential job. The other day, I went out of the office and I randomly texted a former co worker about the interview process of a job I applied to where she is now (different division). 10 min go by, and I get a call back. Mind you, I'm driving and don't have my earpiece in, but something told me to take the call because I didn't recognize the phone number. I pick it up, it's her. She tells me her program director just asked her 5 minutes prior if she knew anyone qualified for a position he was interested in creating. She mentions my name. Tells me to e-mail her my resume. I say ok. Thing is about an hour later, she tells me she needed it that day before 3pm (this was her last day before vacation and she'll be out for a week). I left the office after 12pm to do my office visits 
. So, I had to cut an office visit out of my day to get back to the office in time to get her my resume. I get back at 2:30pm and e-mail it to her. I told her to e-mail me back to let me know she got it. She did. Yesterday, got a voicemail from said program director letting me know he wants to set up a meeting about the position. He tells me they will post it next week and told me to apply for it. He told me he would send me an e-mail with a day and time for a meeting. On Wednesday when I posted about calling an audible and throwing that long bomb for a touchdown, that's what I meant because of the way it all played out so randomly. When I said touchdown, that meant she got the resume. Now, I wait, but it sounds promising so far. That's my story...  

What's good TAN?

Who remembers Alonzo Morning's ritual before shooting a free throw? 
  Who doesn't? I like Jason Kidd's better because of the irony 

Nighttime blacker than Craig Hodges...

Also that feel when you thought you lost out on a pair of kicks, only to find out they are still available and the person will wait for you until you're ready to buy.....
. Indeed today is a good day. Word to  'Cube
Yeah man, I got the 17's blue joints for like 280 not too long ago. 

Brief case and cd...
So here's the title to one of the articles I was offered the chance to write this morning: "

Creative Ideas for Homemade Black Birthday Cards"

...the **** is a black birthday tho

I don't think I'm gonna do it, but I really want to see that finished product when somebody does leap at it.

So here's the title to one of the articles I was offered the chance to write this morning: "

Creative Ideas for Homemade Black Birthday Cards"

...the **** is a black birthday tho

I don't think I'm gonna do it, but I really want to see that finished product when somebody does leap at it.

That's racist b 
I copped them when they released in '02. I won't go into too much detail here, because it's not allowed, BUT click on the link in my sig that says My Kicks...and it will explain it. Scroll down until you see the pic of them (that's what they look like now) and read the story behind it. 
Ok, good looking. 
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