the thread about nothing...

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Rate My Professor is clutch sometimes but reading some of these bad reviews got me worried about my fall semester. :smh:
^Everyone is on the _ _ _ _ _ Appreciation Thread. :nerd: They always shoot up to the top around this time.
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I might have just screwed up a potential business transaction by attempting to be humorous :smh:

No foreplay in the listing ?

Nah, not that. A girl was in market for some graduation tickets, and after we agreed on a price, I told her that it's probably past her bedtime so we should meet up for the transaction in the morning. She read the message and didn't respond for a bit, I thought I turned her off.

She's still down to cop that ticket from ya boy, though 8)
So drained. It was a long *** weekend. Plus I got older this week. Swimming, ball, wasted, 
 will really take its toll. I'm beat.
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