the thread about nothing...

watchin this trailer made me sick to my stomach..the **** you need a reality show for
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I just had a dream last night about someone I haven't thought about, seen or heard from in many years, strange as hell. Brought back all these memories, I hate these kinda dreams. You don't think about someone for so long and then they just mysteriously appear in your dreams.... :/
Happened to me last week.   Thought about my last ex.
tv dinners are 
Hungry man fried chicken is so my fave.  The calories in that joint is what kill.
finally tried the chicken and waffles chips last night
not sure how to feel
like it was disgusting but i kept wanting moar :evil:
Got relatives coming over today and I don't feel like having company. They got lil kids, too. :smh: terrorizing 2Chains and ****.

On an unrelated note, I have a few tshirts with naked women on them and I just wear them any and everywhere. I don't even consider that they might be offensive.

More rambling about nothing: What's up with all these R&B "barrowing" pieces of 90s R&B songs?? These kids can't even bite right? :smh:
On an unrelated note, I have a few tshirts with naked women on them and I just wear them any and everywhere. I don't even consider that they might be offensive.
are they half naked women or full on *** and tities out?
Had McDonalds for the first time since last summer Smh. Those damn Monopoly game pieces always seem to entice me to get a Big Mac (won a Sonic comic last summer when they were doing the whole Olympic/Monopoly game lol).
The worst is the kids screaming and the parents going on like they cant hear them

I was at a party where a kid almost drowned once and the kid's parents didn't bother helping. :smh:
Their excuse was "he's got to learn somehow" :smh::smh::smh:

on a lighter note


It gets me every time I hear Tony Hawk say "wow I can't believe he landed a 720" :lol:
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On an unrelated note, I have a few tshirts with naked women on them and I just wear them any and everywhere. I don't even consider that they might be offensive.

are they half naked women or full on *** and tities out?

They're naked but tastefully and artistically. No pubes no nipples.

They got some **** or karmaloop that's just straight soft core on tshirts. I can't dig it. Idgaf how cool you think you are, when that old lady looks at your shirt and frowns up, you're gonna feel a certain way. It's funny to see little kids, doe. They're totally :wow:. Holding moms hand starring, not even looking where they're going. :lol:
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