the thread about nothing...

I dont know how folks shave

trim, yeah
yeah, how do you get that close with some clippers...psycopaths mane
i wonder if i could put relaxer on my pubes, get a perm going down might help manage things? my nuts gon have that good hair boi.
for all u guys saying the internet is not the real life i want u guys to read what methodman told me about the subject kinda opened up my eyes

"The Internet is "real life." It's not a game or a fantasy world. You're interacting with real people and your actions have real consequences. If you send somebody death threats on the Internet or commit libel, it's not "game over." If a user violates somebody else's copyright using our forums, we can and sometimes do receive contact from their attorneys.

If somebody's acting obnoxious and they chase real people away from our site, that costs us and, by extension, our charities real money.

Go tell Julian Assange or Kim Dotcom "it's the internet". Go tell the parent of a child who was contacted online by a sexual predator "it's the internet." Go tell the US government "it's the internet. "

If you're looking for a space where you can play make believe and irritate people with your childish "e-persona", do me a favor and just go away. Here in reality, there are lasting consequences for your actions and we're only interested in providing posting access to users capable of demonstrating basic responsibility for their conduct."
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Actually sometimes thadocta will be having me dying he's so random. THB or truckerdave though are absolutely useless, if the block feature was effective i'd use it.
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