the thread about nothing...

We got our smileys back :pimp:
Good workout at the gym :pimp:
That irregular walk after squats :x :pimp:

I keep getting e-mails from the CC I'm attending in the fall for "advising" sessions. However, they only have the meetings at 12 pm and 6 pm...

I'm still asleep at 12 pm since I work at night and I'm at work already at 6 pm.

Life choices :smh:
Getting the carpet laid at my house next Wednesday :smokin

Should be FINALLY moving in the weekend of the 4th. Five months in the making.

Anyone remember what happened to Billy Hoyle? Dude was connected with some sort of scheme and never heard from again.
yall really couldnt let this yambs nonsense die with yuku :smh:
the lack of respect towards personal space today is disgusting :smh: :smh:

Why hello there whyhellothere..... Havent seen you in this thread since yuku thread about nothing

Yeah this dude saw pretty much two rows of empty seats and yet he still chooses the damn seat right next to me. Why people do this has me shaking my damn head:smh::smh: . Also is it just me or do kids/teens of the current generation and younger just not have manners. Some of ther stuff they do is like :x:smh:

Also EVERYONE watch The Dark Knight Rises ASAP. its :nthat: :pimp: :pimp:

@demkix dang bro that's tough you thought about looking around for ppo it cost $ but its well worth it less hassle and higher quality for a lack of better Words.
Why hello there whyhellothere..... Havent seen you in this thread since yuku thread about nothing
Yeah this dude saw pretty much two rows of empty seats and yet he still chooses the damn seat right next to me. Why people do this has me shaking my damn head:smh::smh: . Also is it just me or do kids/teens of the current generation and younger just not have manners. Some of ther stuff they do is like :x:smh:
Also EVERYONE watch The Dark Knight Rises ASAP. its :nthat: :pimp: :pimp:
@demkix dang bro that's tough you thought about looking around for ppo it cost $ but its well worth it less hassle and higher quality for a lack of better Words.

Man the stuff I see
We got post count leaderboards whadafux :lol: someone hook me up with a link to that

EDIT: nvm I found it
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Women drivers are just, horrible. My little sister is on her 3rd car in the last 4 months. :stoneface:

When im high, nobody around me suffers that day.
I hate when people make **** overly complicated, just **** and listen to me, if your askin me obviously it's for a reason / because I know what I'm talking about.
Everything I'm eating is coming out in liquid form within 15 minutes. I got them parasites bros. Knew it was bound to happen |I
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