the thread about nothing...

My girlfriend is changing and it hurts. Doing things she never used to. Now she's wanting to get a tattoo. Might sound stupid to some of you guys, but it's cutting me deep.
My girlfriend is changing and it hurts. Doing things she never used to. Now she's wanting to get a tattoo. Might sound stupid to some of you guys, but it's cutting me deep.

how old are you and how long youve been together ?
My girlfriend is changing and it hurts. Doing things she never used to. Now she's wanting to get a tattoo. Might sound stupid to some of you guys, but it's cutting me deep.
I feel you man, it gets to you. Makes you start thinking things that you've never wanted to. Just chill tho, maybe she wants to spice things up with you with the tat, just think positive and stay positive
think positive and stay positive
fuzzy- people change, B. I'm not the same man i was last year, and I'm def not the same as i was a few years ago; I'm proud of that. it sounds corny but you either grow together or you grow apart.
positive vibes :smokin
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My girlfriend is changing and it hurts. Doing things she never used to. Now she's wanting to get a tattoo. Might sound stupid to some of you guys, but it's cutting me deep.
for a second...i read that she was cheating on you...guess not
My girlfriend is changing and it hurts. Doing things she never used to. Now she's wanting to get a tattoo. Might sound stupid to some of you guys, but it's cutting me deep.
how is getting a tattoo cutting you deep...please elaborate
Got some catching up to do with this thread (103 replies).

Today in class, I accidentally made eye contact with some guy that swings for the other team. What I was actually looking at is the girl that sits next to him. Throughout class, he kept on looking over to see if I was looking. :lol: .
Got some catching up to do with this thread (103 replies).
Today in class, I accidentally made eye contact with some guy that swings for the other team. What I was actually looking at is the girl that sits next to him. Throughout class, he kept on looking over to see if I was looking. :lol: .

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