the thread about nothing...

work was good today.  Had a nice two hour break, sneak a hour nap in there as well.  Felt like mario getting his mushroom fix.

mp3 downloader on phone isn't working

supposed to have lunch with a grade school friend this weekend, but when reminded her she never hit me back

ex sent me pics of her new car.  I wanted to say something real sarcastic but just K.I.M.'ed it.

feeling a little more positive than usual.

want a new gig, but loving job's flight benefits

gonna check out batman if shorty flakes on me on the lunch tip and check out sneaker con.

gotta leave some friends behind because they are getting catty and too much back stabbing.

glad I left my old town.  Once something is cool, the masses jump on it.  Now it's being a blood.  It's red everywhere. Bandana's, chucks, reds fitteds.

next vay kay, un decided on where to go.  Somewhere in the states or asia.

feel good about going back to school soon.

gotta get up early to protest at the national mall with uncle.

milk & cookies
That's from Holes right? Those hating ... white men.

The most annoying stereotype is probably the one people wanna **** most. Not the tristate guido, not the ultra extra flambouyant gay dude, not the loudmouth *******, but the pretty white chick. I've never ran across a more rude, inconsiderate group. It's like common courtesy doesn't matter to these broads, the world revolves around them.

NT moves way faster than on yuku, i make a post, get back to general and the thread is already half way down the page.

i finally what the this means 

What are you guys' fav. features of the new NT?

Multiquoting is the ....

This new text editor is the .... as well.

No more saving posts into textedit before posting, no more seperate tabs to multiquote people, and most importantly NO MORE YUKU!!!

Ok so....I another winner has been picked for the box about nothing...

and it's....
Not you
Or you...
Or youuuuu.....

Go DEEPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yep, I used the same joke again...sue me
Congratulations to 6 rings MJ. PM will be sent, If you're not ready to pass the torch on, nothing is wrong with that just let me know. Hopefully you accept and congrats once again for the nothings I will have prepared for you

Wish I could hook everybody up
but good luck to the next winner.
Ok so....I another winner has been picked for the box about nothing...

and it's....

Not you

Or you...

Or youuuuu.....

[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

Go DEEPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yep, I used the same joke again...sue me
Congratulations to 6 rings MJ. PM will be sent, If you're not ready to pass the torch on, nothing is wrong with that just let me know. Hopefully you accept and congrats once again for the nothings I will have prepared for you

Wish I could hook everybody up :\ but good luck to the next winner.

:pimp: .
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