the thread about nothing...

Damn you lucky, I wish i could have went. The DVD never came out, smh. :smh:
We as kanye fans need that dvd of this concert...we need was my first concert and man..i get chills thinking about that night :pimp:

too bad we wont ever see it released.... :smh:
I will finally be getting my license back within the week after being without it for the past 5 years. Life is good man life is good :pimp:

toughest choice Ive ever had to make
It really isn't a big deal, but this **** bothers me...

I'm reading tweets and I see people do this: I hate my boyfriend !!!

(that space between the last letter of the word and the punctuation! Why do people do that?)
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It really isn't a big deal, but this **** bothers me...

I'm reading tweets and I see people do this: I hate my boyfriend !!!

(that space between the last letter of the word and the punctuation! Why do people do that?)
my sister does that.. i dont email, text, message, etc. her anymore.
I used to copy image location and send funny pics/gifs to my friends on gchat while at work......but now niketalk hosts pics so it has niketalk in the URL.....They will know where I get everything :frown: :frown: :frown:
somebody recommend me a slow cooker baby back rib recipe, that post a few hundred pages back got me hungry..

Bill: “aye breh, do me a solid and send Hilary to Afghanistan for a month or so, I got a PYT I’m working on out in Delaware.”

Barack: “see, this is why Michelle don’t even like me talking to you…”
u 15 1/2 dawg
how do you guys deal with sweat?
its like water running down my face smfh :x

16 bruh
Truth is truth bruh.
Anybody enjoy sweat?
I like the feeling, shows me that I'm working when I'm drenched.

if i was going home to take a shower afterwards yes, after walking up and down 5 flights of stairs to find a sanitary bathroom, no.
and i wish nothing but slow painful death for all mta employees that showed up to work today. like some real gruesome "we cant identify the body" type death.
that is all.
Heartbreaking if true :frown: |I


This is my mom, my hero, my strength, my everything.

On Friday, July 13th, 2012 she committed suicide. My girlfriend and I found her lifeless body around 4am. the hysteria that followed was unlike anything i have ever experienced before.

She left me alone. I am an only child, my father has never been in the picture and my family isn’t the greatest. Now I have a million responsibilities and its all too much for me to do on my own. I have to sell practically everything in my house, pack up what i want to keep to take to school, and be out by August 6th, I’ve got to figure out how im going to pay for the funeral costs, how I’m going to pay for school, and how I’m ever going to get my own car. All while trying to work and get through college and then figuring out where im going to live while im not in school. My mom didnt have life insurance, and she only left me about $600. My family and close friends have donated some money, but the cost of the funeral is only down to $1800. I don’t see my family helping out anymore with the costs. I’ve set up a bank account to accept donations and I’ve been trying to get some of my followers on here to donate to my PayPal account. So far however, I’ve only received close to $300. My goal is to get as much as i can so i can take care of the funeral cost, pay for school, save for my own apartment, and get a car.

I’ve never been one to broadcast my problems, but i just cant do this all by myself. I’m not too proud to ask for help. I NEED help. all the help i can get. I need people to talk to that have lost someone close to suicide, i need help dealing with all these emotions. And please, if you are able to donate anything, anything at all please do so here every penny, every dollar counts. I’d really appreciate if all of my followers could reblog this. i need to get the word out.

First ever job interview tomorrow for an internship. Becoming more and more nervous as i read these preparation and tips articles :\

Good luck, just be yourself and be confident in who you are dont try to answer like you're reading off a script, you'll be fine
if i was going home to take a shower afterwards yes, after walking up and down 5 flights of stairs to find a sanitary bathroom, no.
and i wish nothing but slow painful death for all mta employees that showed up to work today. like some real gruesome "we cant identify the body" type death.
that is all.

Hell nah. I'm not a sweaty dude but if its 100 or more in work I'll sweat. I gotta keep rinsing off my face or else all that salt starts to burn your eyes and face.
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