the thread about nothing...

can anybody recommend a nice, lightweight bike for casual riding and exercise?

nothing with pegs please, thanks.
Never leave where you're going to lunch up to a female. We've been talking since 8 this morning and she still hasn't picked a place.
Whenever I say that's fine, she goes "I feel like you don't really want to go there" >: JUST PICK A PLACE AND STICK TO IT!

Sounds like my wife. I ask her if she wants to do the movies or a bar 2nite and of course she throws it back on me. This occurs anytime we plan something for date night.
Sounds like my wife. I ask her if she wants to do the movies or a bar 2nite and of course she throws it back on me. This occurs anytime we plan something for date night.

Every single time! Just gotta take charge and pick a place, then if she doesn't like it get used to hearing her complain about it.
Luckily we have the same tastes for the most part so she doesn't really complain, it's just annoying trying to get her to decide on things.
I think I'm growing up to be my dad...I don't know how I feel about that.

RIP tho
I think I might be like mine also.  He's angry, stubborn, abusive, ect.  All of those except abusive is me.  

-off of work for 2 days.  feels good man

-loaned money to 3 people at work and they all flaked on me.  Gotta stop effin with these people

-I hate going to resturants with this one co worker.  He never leaves a tip.  Now if service was bad, don't leave nothing.  But if service was great, leave a little something.

-grade school friend rescheduled lunch for another time, sneaker con is a go.

-4 nfl games, 2 nba games are on deck this year.  

-Knicks tix prices are cray

-Batman is a go tonight
Graduated from HS this year, Sad to see a lot of my friends move, Some for college and others for work. Didn't think it was going to be like this, I guess that's life. :frown: |I :smh:
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Same thing happened to me after I graduated from Chico...
When I was there I was hooping on carpet in a janky rec center.

Then they passed the funds for a state of the art student center with new gym, etc.
Come in to work on a Friday and it's payday :pimp: :pimp:


Only to realize it's not payday until next Tuesday

is she in bed with you??

and why are you going to sleep again :lol:

She was.

I didn't get a lot of sleep, so I preferred sleeping than trying to get it in. I still have all evening to get some if I want.
I kinda just laid there in her sheets, hugging her until I fell asleep. :lol: .
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