the thread about nothing...

@GrizzlyAnimal  I'm not selling NO time soon 

I saw my neighbor tonight leaving my mom's house. She hugs me and my brother and she says to me "you'll always be my little bro, even though you're taller than me." I felt like telling her, "you don't have to worry, I don't want to **** you anymore."
so you smashed
 I'm not selling NO time soon :lol:

I saw my neighbor tonight leaving my mom's house. She hugs me and my brother and she says to me "you'll always be my little bro, even though you're taller than me." I felt like telling her, "you don't have to worry, I don't want to **** you anymore."

I'd revise that. It sounds like you wanna smash your mom.
It's that there's only so much money, achievements, and success to go around and that other people's success, wealth, achievements take away from yours. It leads to people hoarding money and possessions out of fear.

People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit – even with those who help in the production. They also have a very hard time being genuinely happy for the successes of other people – even, and sometimes especially, members of their own family or close friends and associates. It’s almost as if something is being taken from them when something is being taken from them when someone else receives special recognition or windfall gain or has remarkable success or achievement.

Although they might verbally express happiness for others’ success, inwardly they are eating their hearts out. Their sense of worth comes from being compared, and someone else’s success, to some degree, means their failure. Only so many people can be “A” students; only one person can be “number one.” To “win” simply means to “beat.”

Often, people with a Scarcity Mentality harbor secret hopes they others might suffer misfortune – not terrible misfortune, but acceptable misfortune that would keep them “in their place.” They’re always comparing, always competing. They give their energies to possessing things or other people in order to increase their sense of worth.

From an article how European societies work from a scarcity(lack) mentality and African society has an abundant mentality:
A story said this.

An European visited an African country and saw a young man lying under a coconut on the beach, enjoying the sun bath and the fresh salted wind from the sea. He shaked his head, puzzled by what he considered to be the laziness of African people. Now, he is here to show Africans how Europeans got civilized, so he approached the young man and after polite greeting asked the young man “Why don’t you climb this coconut and take some of them to the local market for sales, and make some money?” “That’s a better way of spending your time instead of lying here all day long” he continued.

The young men calmly replied “Ok. And then what?”

“Then you’ll have some money, and after several sales you can buy a truck to transport more to the market, and then you can hire some other people to help you grow the business, and if things turned out well, you’ll make a lot of money. You see!”, the European said.

“Yeah, I see. And then what?”

“And Then, you know, you have enough money to travel and also you can spend your time on the beach enjoying life, you know!”, replied the European.

Upset by that European intrusion, the African asked “isn’t it what I was doing before you’ve arrived here?”
There's a girl in the next table whose eyebrows resemble those of Anthony Davis's.

You mean Frida Khalo right?
@GrizzlyAnimal  I'm not selling NO time soon 
. That pic... I hope it never happens
@GrizzlyAnimal  I'm not selling NO time soon 

I saw my neighbor tonight leaving my mom's house. She hugs me and my brother and she says to me "you'll always be my little bro, even though you're taller than me." I felt like telling her, "you don't have to worry, I don't want to **** you anymore."
so you smashed
 I'm not selling NO time soon 

I saw my neighbor tonight WHILE  leaving my mom's house. She hugs me and my brother and she says to me "you'll always be my little bro, even though you're taller than me." I felt like telling her, "you don't have to worry, I don't want to **** you anymore."
I'd revise that. It sounds like you wanna smash your mom.
Mann. I'm faded, :pimp: what up tanners what y'all gettin into tonite, tbh for me personally I could care less I can't wait till eagles-cowgirls tommorow :pimp: :smokin :pimp:
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Nah @franc   I ain't lying about that. I had a huge crush on her when I was younger, but I realized there was more to that situation beyond her looks. She's a great person btw, but it's not worth the stress. I'm thankful she didn't feel the same way. I dodged a bullet.
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