the thread about nothing...

I don't do ratchet, but I like this one here...
April Justin
You say no ratchet ***** Herb can't
I'm saying yes to this one. I just need one time 
. We could have a DE EASY. She's a gold mine for that it seems 
can't believe i'm starting school in 3 days :smh:

didn't even feel like i had time off.
Then I think about people who I know who had kids and things went sideways, and I say I don't want that. I want my family-intact, with no interruptions. Until I feel that's going to happen, I move on my own time. Don't sweat that outside noise, even if it is your moms.
moms asked me when i'm giving her a grandkid because she misses taking care of a baby. i'm still a kid and i'm not done with my degree yet. 
 i want to be able to afford a family before i actually have my own. 

one thing i would never want to do is break my future children's hearts if my future husband and i divorce. i just can't do that to them. that's why i wanna wait until the right time.

plus i haven't fulfilled 90% of the lame things on my bucketlist. 
First of all, you should have gotten your mom a puppy for Christmas, that would satisfy that need 

Look, here's my stance on that. One thing that I learned in this life so far, nothing goes as you planned it. Not saying that you won't have a successful marriage or you'll never find it. I stopped looking through those "Boy Meets World" glasses though. I learned to appreciate what I have at the moment and make the best of it. To me, taking that train of thought is old school. What I mean by that is that, let's say you get to a point in your life, you're with someone and let's say you're unhappy, you feel stuck because you don't want to leave to save face for the kids. Nah, F that. Do what makes you happy, no matter the circumstance. I've seen people do this-stay together for the kids. It's a miserable existence, for the married people, and for the kids. It serves no purpose for anyone involved. This is the tricky part of being in a relationship now. We don't know. I'm with my girlfriend now, will we get married? I'm fairly certain we will. It's no guarantee. I want her to have a child for me, BUT if it ever comes to a point where being with her doesn't make me happy. I have a choice to make, however selfish it may be. People slowly die when they hold on to that idea.

Ok, enough of that....
how does that make sens? :nerd:

Want to go back so bad, yet you'll drop out.
My body can't handle the activity and I can't last a full week of class. I've also completely screwed up my grades in the week between my diagnosis and surgery, got between 10 and 30% scores on some tests and assignments.

I can't do internships, can't last a full week without my body protesting and ruined my grades beyond repair. There's no point anymore.
how does that make sens? :nerd:

Want to go back so bad, yet you'll drop out.
My body can't handle the activity and I can't last a full week of class. I've also completely screwed up my grades in the week between my diagnosis and surgery, got between 10 and 30% scores on some tests and assignments.

I can't do internships, can't last a full week without my body protesting and ruined my grades beyond repair. There's no point anymore.

Hope you get better bruh
Hope you get better bruh
The way I'm doing right now that's gonna take a while :smh: I left the NYE party at 4am because I had trouble breathing and my legs hurt too much and they still hurt all day now. I have to catch my breath when I go to the damn toilet.

Sometimes I wish I died on that surgery table :smh:
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I don't do ratchet, but I like this one here...

April Justin

You say no ratchet ***** Herb can't
I'm saying yes to this one. I just need one time :lol: . We could have a DE EASY. She's a gold mine for that it seems :lol:

Beh, trying to get that NFL paper

I see you shun shun
You already know :lol:  refrigerator Perry 2.0

She a cutie pie for an older chick.
Hope you get better bruh
The way I'm doing right now that's gonna take a while
I left the NYE party at 4am because I had trouble breathing and my legs hurt too much and they still hurt all day now. I have to catch my breath when I go to the damn toilet.

Sometimes I wish I died on that surgery table
I really hope you get that resolved man. You don't really mean that.
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