the thread about nothing...

@Mark Antony  indeed, but if you see video of her, she's old ratchet. Good in the bedroom, but not in public 
Hope you get better bruh
The way I'm doing right now that's gonna take a while :smh: I left the NYE party at 4am because I had trouble breathing and my legs hurt too much and they still hurt all day now. I have to catch my breath when I go to the damn toilet.

Sometimes I wish I died on that surgery table :smh:
I really hope you get that resolved man. You don't really mean that.


keep your head up bro.
A lot of shorties didn't go to school cause they got all the education via lyrics...

Usually, you can get your knowledge born wisdom degree at no cost...
Hope you get better bruh
The way I'm doing right now that's gonna take a while :smh: I left the NYE party at 4am because I had trouble breathing and my legs hurt too much and they still hurt all day now. I have to catch my breath when I go to the damn toilet.

Sometimes I wish I died on that surgery table :smh:
Nah, don't think like that famb. It can't get any worse than before the surgery, healing is gonna take a while, but when it's over with, you'll feel a lot better. You'll be looking back, and be able to say "I fought through those days where the pain, and out of breath was getting to me". Keep on fighting b, you can do it.

Beh spittin that knowledge on us youngins.
@shoyru  man just focus on graduating, that has it's own stress and let life work after that. No need in fast forwarding life. It's already fast enough. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

@gllahone84  peace God
See the science of life, is the science of you...

Don't you think a man could take the quickness..himself inside out, pull it out and die? Inside out...

Papa Wu...
@shoyru  man just focus on graduating, that has it's own stress and let life work after that. No need in fast forwarding life. It's already fast enough. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

@gllahone84  peace God
What's good beh?

Man Papa Wu had some **** for you didn't he?

@shoyru  man just focus on graduating, that has it's own stress and let life work after that. No need in fast forwarding life. It's already fast enough. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

@gllahone84  peace God
What's good beh?

Man Papa Wu had some **** for you didn't he?

Yeah, like... you know I'm saying?Let me tell you something manYou see the man is mine GodYou see his elevation GodSee through his mind... they see his elevation GodBecause he... this is where he just begin to know where he come fromSee? Some people don't have no directions GodBecause they don't know the science of their selfSee the science of life is the science of youAll the elements that it took to create youBecause everything in the universe GodThat's created in the universe, God exists in youYou see what I'm saying?And that-that's the mind that you can't seeDon't you think the man could take the quickness... himself inside out,pull it out and die? Inside out... (Don't you tell me that)You the creator of this (aight) because all these things must happenYou see people could go back in the day and say,"Yeah God, one man and one woman, Adam and Eve,There ain't no such thing" but then you see there always has beenand always will be (aight)Regardless of whom or what it's gotta be
@shoyru  man just focus on graduating, that has it's own stress and let life work after that. No need in fast forwarding life. It's already fast enough. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
yes king beh 

you and him tell me to just focus on finishing school. these damb courses are already stressful enough as it is. 
  i'm just glad that he understands that i'm still pretty much a kid. i just wanna take everything day by day.
Engineering ain't no joke. It scares me, so I know it can be stressful 

Nice catch. You've been here before 

All hail Him!!


someone should make a Beh Jesus Gif 
This king beh joke has gotten out of hand. It ain't even like that  
Nah, don't think like that famb. It can't get any worse than before the surgery, healing is gonna take a while, but when it's over with, you'll feel a lot better. You'll be looking back, and be able to say "I fought through those days where the pain, and out of breath was getting to me". Keep on fighting b, you can do it.
I felt fine before the surgery tbh. I had to get it done because I could die of lung hemorrhage at any time but I didn't feel bad or anything.

Nowadays I just feel so powerless. I have to give up pretty much everything and there's a 30% chance I will never recover and remain like this for the rest of my life. The specialist can only determine that in another month ir 5 though. Some days I just cry in my bed thinking about it. :smh:
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man... all the sleepless nights, the hairfall, and tears i shed over school. :smh:  it definitely isn't a joke.
i probably should've listened to my parents' advice and took nursing instead. :lol:  
You were gonna be a nurse? I'm a first year nursing student atm. What are you studying now?
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