the thread about nothing...

I'm watching my 2 little cousins for my aunt while she's at thee mall and they kids are about to kill each other wrestling on the bed :smh:
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Nah, don't think like that famb. It can't get any worse than before the surgery, healing is gonna take a while, but when it's over with, you'll feel a lot better. You'll be looking back, and be able to say "I fought through those days where the pain, and out of breath was getting to me". Keep on fighting b, you can do it.
I felt fine before the surgery tbh. I had to get it done because I could die of lung hemorrhage at any time but I didn't feel bad or anything.

Nowadays I just feel so powerless. I have to give up pretty much everything and there's a 30% chance I will never recover and remain like this for the rest of my life. The specialist can only determine that in another month ir 5 though. Some days I just cry in my bed thinking about it. :smh:
70% of recovering is a hell of a lot better than 30% of not. Aint no use in crying though, don't let this stuff get to you emotionally. I know it's easier to say since im not in your shoes, but Im sure you can actually apply it, and not let it get to you. How long has it been since the surgery?

King Beh? Behonce? Engineering is tough, ain't no half stepping.
:rofl: :rofl:

I'm watching my 2 little cousins for my aunt while she's at thee mall and they kids are about to kill each other wrestling on the bed :smh:
I know those feels man. :smh:
I can't wait until this lease/apt stuff is over. My parents are overly-stressed about it and they're starting to make me stressed. :smh: Talmbout I should live in on campus dorms senior year :x :x
when i was applying to college, my parents just urged me to take nursing... most of my family are nurses already and i wanted to be different. 

well, i originally intended to be a biology major for med school because i wanted to be a pediatrician. most of the universities i originally applied to didn't accept me because the major was impacted. everybody and their mamas wanted to be biology majors. 

the first university i went to gave me my major (biomedical engineering) based on my test scores. 
That seems pretty hard. So you're still planning to go to med school after?
I loved the internships I've done so far. Kids aren't really my thing but working with old people is amazing.
Beh, our hotel will be in williamsburg. I chose it because I heard it in a Childish Gambino song and it's the only thing I know about Brooklyn. Is it nice?
70% of recovering is a hell of a lot better than 30% of not. Aint no use in crying though, don't let this stuff get to you emotionally. I know it's easier to say since im not in your shoes, but Im sure you can actually apply it, and not let it get to you. How long has it been since the surgery?
I know, wasn't really expecting to have such a hard time with this. I had the surgery on the 17th of october.
Stumbled upon this guy's IG the other day.

He's living THE life.
what am i doing wrong 
Stumbled upon this guy's IG the other day.

He's living THE life.
what am i doing wrong :smh:

I was clicking on his pics trying to figure out how he gained his riches then someone in the comments said he was the owner/CEO of "weGrow".

"weGrow, branded as the "first honest hydro store" and called the "Wal-Mart of Weed" by CNN,[1] is a national hydroponics franchise that sells products and services to help patients cultivate medicinal marijuana. It is the first hydroponics store in the US that openly talks about cultivating cannabis for medical use." - Wikipedia

:smh: and he's only gonna get richer. :smokin
No one is in this theater to watch paranormal activity...should have picked Wolf of wallstreet to watch instead

• get up

• walk down the stairs

• walk into wolf on wall street

• your welcome

It started at 4pm...not walking into it an hour into the movie...that's Cray Cray
What made you pick that movie? Next time let you're girl choose.

Well it interested was too late for Wolf of wall it was that or anchorman 2
Stumbled upon this guy's IG the other day.

He's living THE life.
what am i doing wrong :smh:

I was clicking on his pics trying to figure out how he gained his riches then someone in the comments said he was the owner/CEO of "weGrow".

"weGrow, branded as the "first honest hydro store" and called the "Wal-Mart of Weed" by CNN,[1] is a national hydroponics franchise that sells products and services to help patients cultivate medicinal marijuana. It is the first hydroponics store in the US that openly talks about cultivating cannabis for medical use." - Wikipedia

:smh: and he's only gonna get richer. :smokin
:nerd: :rolleyes

On May 17, 2012, Mann was charged with 13 felony counts for allegedly pocketing grant money from the city of Oakland that was to be used for property upgrades. The complaint filed by the Alameda County District Attorney's office accused Mann of submitting copies of checks made out to contractors for city reimbursement without actually submitting the checks to the contractors. Mann had deposited city funds in an account, had his bank make out cashier's checks to the contractors, photocopied the checks, then redeposited them into his account. He then submitted the photocopies to the City as proof he'd properly spent grant money.[30] Mann's attorney, John Runfola, says the charges are overblown.[31] In October 2012, the City of Oakland pursued an additional civil lawsuit against Mann and his family, seeking $365,000 of damages under the False Claims Act. As of 2013, the suit has yet to go to trial
the competition is too rough for medical school, so i kinda gave up on that during my first year of college. i'm in my 4th year now.

my family's pressure on me to be a pediatrician is too real since my pops and gramps and aunt were doctors. :smh:  if i were to try, it would be for them, not for myself.

i'm glad you loved your internships. i'm still looking at my local hospitals to see what i can do at their biomedical engineering department. 

ps: please don't have thoughts like those. it's a blessing that you're alive. you got this.
King Beh? Behonce? Engineering is tough, ain't no half stepping.
Homie really said that tho 
. Everything I'm not made my everything I am.
Engineering ain't no joke. It scares me, so I know it can be stressful 
man... all the sleepless nights, the hairfall, and tears i shed over school. 
 it definitely isn't a joke.

at least i can fulfill my dream of helping mankind.... without getting a damn medical degree. **** med school. 

i probably should've listened to my parents' advice and took nursing instead. 
King Beh? Behonce? Engineering is tough, ain't no half stepping.
After my experiene working with doctors on a regular basis, I'd say being a doctor, while important, can be highly overrated. 
Stumbled upon this guy's IG the other day.

He's living THE life.
Pictures can tell 1,000 words, or 1,000 lies.
Beh, our hotel will be in williamsburg. I chose it because I heard it in a Childish Gambino song and it's the only thing I know about Brooklyn. Is it nice?
I don't even know what hotel it is. It's a hipster neighborhood, so naturally I hate it. I would sound like a creep if I asked what Hotel it is, but I'm not a creep. I'm too busy to be a stalker.
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