the thread about nothing...


How long were you together?
Did you get her things?
What did she give you?
How did it end?

We were never together...I copped her a few things...nothing serious...I honestly thought it was kind of rude to ask for the stuff back...just my opinion though...But it was mainly clothes
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am i the only one not wearing them "joggers" or what ever you call them 
Wheres the best place to get these? They look comfy for bedtime
i have no idea, but i wouldn't mind trying a pair out 
  i wasn't hating on them, it just seems like everybody wears them now 
Not gonna drop a name? Smh NT. :smh:

No, no side effects its just a hassle compared to singulair because singulair is once a day from what I can recall advair is twice daily I think.

advair no noticeable side effects qhen I was taking it but maybe it varies on person. Advair does work in my case but I stopped taking it just out of pure laziness on my part. I should get back on it.
every time i've taken it, my dr has stressed to rinse my mouth out afterward. you ever get thrush from not rinsing it out properly? i think its some sort of yeast crust that forms on your tongue. it looks terrifying.
ewwwww. Wtf? I didn't even know why you're supposed to rinse. No I haven't seen that but that's cuz I rinse since it's what is recommended.
i have no idea, but i wouldn't mind trying a pair out :nerd:   i wasn't hating on them, it just seems like everybody wears them now 

[COLOR=#red]Never heard of them until today, havent seen many people in NYC with these things one, then again I dont really care to see what people are wearing.. I see the thread for these though, might get 2 pair, 1 to rock and 1 to stock.. Thanks for mentioning them[/COLOR] :pimp:
I'm gonna start lifting again tonight, I finished rehabbing my knee last month and I've just been putting off because I was scared of messing it up again or even tearing something but I'm sure it's 100% again.

I took a corner wrong running and it just gave out on me and dropped me, I couldn't get back up after and sat there until I could move my leg again last year around July.
I never got it checked out, but every time I put pressure on it running, lifting, or playing ball it would start killing me so I just laid off it, I'm tired of doing these stretching exercises and light leg work outs.

I'm just ready to get back to it.
so guys a boss of mine fell down the stairs today, along with his dog. he's a jerk so it was especially pleasant.

i heard the ruckus, ran to the stairs and seen old boy crumpled up at the bottom of the stairs like a pile of dirty laundry. dog hovering over him looking mad shameful. it was wonderful.

i think today is gonna be a good day.
It's my day off, all my friends are at work.

So I'm just gonna go to the Drafthouse and catch The Wolf Of Wall Street dolo.

Anyone else enjoy going to the movies by themselves?

I like it a lot better than going with people, unless it's a big movie I don't wanna be in a crowd, a lot of unnecessary chatter and sometimes I just really wanna pay attention to the movie and enjoy it.

I'm thinking about watching the wolf of Wall Street solo but nah.. I'll wait for the Blu ray..
knee/thigh high socks is one of the sexiest things a girl can wear.


had a gf back when I was 18 that would rock them all the time, since then I've been in love. 

looking at her big ol' bubble butt in booty shorts making me shrimp 
so guys a boss of mine fell down the stairs today, along with his dog. he's a jerk so it was especially pleasant.
i heard the ruckus, ran to the stairs and seen old boy crumpled up at the bottom of the stairs like a pile of dirty laundry. dog hovering over him looking mad shameful. it was wonderful.

i think today is gonna be a good day.

:rofl: :rofl:
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