the thread about nothing...

i finally feel like i am doing something with my life, i have been battling depression and just a hate for pretty much everything for the past 4 years. I have been working 7 days a week and doing university full time, failing the occasional class here and there , but getting through it. I just declared my double major ( economics and marketing) and will be done next may ( i hope). My friend has been pushing me to work out and be more social again , started at the gym today with him. I just feel like the past couple years have done nothing to benefit me in the future, but now that i am so close to being done my degree and ready to start a career and make something of myself and hopefully be as successful as my dad one day. Coming from a strict immigrant family my depression to them wasn't real and would always be mad at me for what i was the past few years instead of seeing if i needed any help. Thankfully i have a few good friends who have gotten me through the years by listening to how i felt and my problems. I turn 22 in 12 days, i don't think i have been this excited for anything in awhile, i just feel like i have a new outlook on my life and it feels amazing, hopefully i don't just burn out like i did years ago. 

Sorry about the rant, have a good night fellas. 
Congrats fam, I'm waiting for the day I can make a post like this
been on NT all day

i took a break from life today

you bout dat NT life


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. Rupert is like the TAN version of the Sherminator from American Pie. He just comes back out of nowhere 

That's it's, I'm putting Bilbo on the payroll. Book it.
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