the thread about nothing...

 home made bootcut technique 
May have lost my driver’s license

I might have to go to the MVA Saturday morning -____________-

I hope it turns up
Homeboy in the stall beside me is struggling.
When I'm in there I always get the dude that sounds like hes Ava Devine-ing the 2 hole like he got 4 seconds of butt-to-seat touching time before he gotta get back up and leave... 

I be in there taking my time... Not eem tryna push.
Who needs pillsbury toaster strudel, when you have market selections breakfast strudels.. we saving money to buy j's :smokin


Morning bowl movement is key to a successful day.

so much this.

Just went to sign a paper to drop out of school. No more worries about exams, ... and I can focus solely on my healing proces.
Will start again in september but until then I need this time to get back to my old self both physically and mentally.

thats a good idea man. focus on your health. you have time for school.

Midterms done

Aced them

Now a 6 day weekend until my next two midterms :pimp:

what you finna do with your time off?

Homeboy in the stall beside me is struggling.


had tacos for breakfast.

I don't even remember who's number this is.

Might as well delete it.

2 days later. 

Hey, what's up man. Good to see you. We should chill sometime. You still got my number right?

How you gonna email me and ask why your people aren't working.....bruh i told you they have reported 0 you gonna ask them...they are your people
Really? So I can't get an interview but cats who I have a higher position than can? Oh, Ok. I must not be the right color. Talking bout, we are interviewing people who are qualified. Bruh, I'm two levels higher than the dude who just got interviewed. Smh... cold world out here haha!
Really? So I can't get an interview but cats who I have a higher position than can? Oh, Ok. I must not be the right color. Talking bout, we are interviewing people who are qualified. Bruh, I'm two levels higher than the dude who just got interviewed. Smh... cold world out here haha!
I know these feels bro. I see people get endorsed for stuff by management that I know I'm more qualfied that them for. Its madness.

Animal Thug that girl is gorgeous.
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