the thread about nothing...

I have a twin tempurpedic & haven't "un-DSed" it yet...

can't stop smoking Marlboro 27's for the life of me
Originally Posted by tootthatthang

I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that


Turrible, just turrible.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


My newphew was sleep in my bed and he attacked my chi chi's, he is three and doesnt get breast fed anymore.

So I asked my mom when does the woman stop producing milk she said never any woman can breast feed even if they never had a kid 

How did I miss this in my health class 

no they cant
yes they can
Yes I probably can, its not impossible

"the milks gone bad" 
Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by tootthatthang

I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that

Turrible, just turrible.
Thanks for the feedback my man, I'm just happy you even checked it out
 This New Style Hip Hop dancing out of Paris has had me captivated for the past two and half years. Yak Films and Les Twins are doing their part for sure.
Sometimes its just great to have a lazy day. Maybe you're off from work or no school and have the crib by yourself. You watch all the shows the old people do like golden girls and wheel of fortune at 10:00am. You're not bored though. After all the hustle and bustle its nice to have the chance to just slum it for a day.
This phone number was the WCW Hotline (Wrestling)

Speaking of 1-900-909-9900, I have a story. I was little at the time.

So we get Bell Atlantic Telephone Service back in 95. My father tells me that we can now make long distance calls without being charged long distance fees, it was in the package.

So I thought that 1800/1900 numbers were long distance calls.

Put it this way, I was calling and listening to Mike Tenay tell me about Galaxy/Ciclope's dark matches at 6 in the morning before I went to school.

The phone bill was ONLY about $1200. Damn I was dumb
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


My newphew was sleep in my bed and he attacked my chi chi's, he is three and doesnt get breast fed anymore.

So I asked my mom when does the woman stop producing milk she said never any woman can breast feed even if they never had a kid 

How did I miss this in my health class 

no they cant
yes they can

Really, guys?
Pick your battles.
Spoiler [+]
Ugh my first love just told me she is pregnant, haven't seen her in years but we still talk. idk how to feel about it, her and I would never get back together but I still feel super bad. She moved from her home and all her friends to a different state with her mom and step dad and I guess is going to get rid of it.
Here me out...

I'm thinking about going to a SAA meeting to score some easy poon.  Its just a thought I had from watching Nip/Tuck. Christian went to a breast cancer support group, and smashed one of the women, and I thought to  myself, "Hmm, I wonder how many women I can make relapse with the D" Has anyone done this or know someone who has?
Originally Posted by tootthatthang

I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that
Congrats and reaching a goal man

Starting a line has been on my mind for some time myself
Finding the cash to start it is a !+$$@ off..especially solo
I know my last post was about this but this is the one place that none of my friends will look for me venting/ragging on them. I seriously hate one of the guys who chills with us in my dorm. The rest of the guys are all pretty chill but this guy just drives me insane. He is clingy as @##% with girls, constantly upset because he thinks he loves the girl he just walked past and she won't text him back within 2 minutes. We give him advice and he disregards it completely. Then when %$@+ doesn't workout he just ##@$%@% about it. On top of that, he is "that guy"; he will always and I mean always one up your stories.
I seriously can't stand him and I have told him that stuff he does annoys the whole group when it was just me and him in a nice way to try and help but he just didn't think I meant any of it. I don't think I can take anymore of him.
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

i called her and she said "hey boo" when she answered. Diddy boppin as i type this

Man some chicks be throwing boo out like crazy I cant trust a word they say
Word I had a *** who I thought I was just friends with call me "bae" in a text message and I was like
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

This phone number was the WCW Hotline (Wrestling)

Speaking of 1-900-909-9900, I have a story. I was little at the time.

So we get Bell Atlantic Telephone Service back in 95. My father tells me that we can now make long distance calls without being charged long distance fees, it was in the package.

So I thought that 1800/1900 numbers were long distance calls.

Put it this way, I was calling and listening to Mike Tenay tell me about Galaxy/Ciclope's dark matches at 6 in the morning before I went to school.

The phone bill was ONLY about $1200. Damn I was dumb

Originally Posted by tootthatthang

I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that

not bad but the designs arent too great to me. good luck on your endeavors 
6 months ago I got drunk and thought I had lost my debit card, but really I just put it in the wrong sleeve and never thought to look there. I never got the debit card replaced because it would keep getting stolen in the mail. It was a real pain to goto the bank everyday etc., it sucked. And all this time I had it with me. But the cool thing, I found it behind my Illinois link card. Around the same time I had been informed that the link benefits were being shut off. So ofcourse I forgot about it and stopped using it. But it must have been a mistake. I checked the balance last night after discovering it and... $1200

Ate lobster mac n cheese today
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