the thread about nothing...

can't wait til school starts again, I need to see some new women , hopefully promiscuous ones, maybe get a girlfriend so I can be hoodrich
"Gangstas don't dance, we boogie"
I hope you get it, I can't wait for the opporitunity to even be able to go apartment hunting.

I've been drinking almond milk so much that I can't even drink regular milk anymore or my stomach a be acting a fool.
If you are taking a female out, DO NOT take her to a chain restaurant like Fridays or Applebees....that is not cutting it and shows you are bland/boring. Support the local independent business and show her something with some personality.
Tomorrow is my last day at my current job. I'm excited and nervous about moving to a different city. We just up and decided to 2 months ago and now its happening, but I guess that's the good thing about being free. We can just live no boundaries, no fears, just action.
I'm getting terrible breakouts on my face, shoulders, and back 
After this weekend my barber goes on vacation for a month, :smh: **** is gonna be real :lol:
I'm getting terrible breakouts on my face, shoulders, and back 
Too much of a certain food? / not washing correctly
if I had to guess its probably from not washing 

I usually get up and go to the gym at around 8-830, go straight to work at 10 till 6 then go back and do cardio around 8 before finally getting around to a shower.... so ya 
I'm getting terrible breakouts on my face, shoulders, and back 
Too much of a certain food? / not washing correctly
if I had to guess its probably from not washing 

I usually get up and go to the gym at around 8-830, go straight to work at 10 till 6 then go back and do cardio around 8 before finally getting around to a shower.... so ya 
Son. :lol:

You gotta squeeze in a shower between that morning workout and work.

What do you do for work?
I'm getting terrible breakouts on my face, shoulders, and back :\

Too much of a certain food? / not washing correctly :nerd:
if I had to guess its probably from not washing :lol:

I usually get up and go to the gym at around 8-830, go straight to work at 10 till 6 then go back and do cardio around 8 before finally getting around to a shower.... so ya 

I always shower after a workout... I think that's probably it. :lol:

You don't feel grimey at work? I hate that feeling
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Son. :lol:

You gotta squeeze in a shower between that morning workout and work.

What do you do for work?
I run a summer camp for kids grade 2-8. So I'm already around smelly kids, doesn't really matter if I smell or not. As long as I change a shirt I don't really stink 

I always shower after a workout... I think that's probably it.

You don't feel grimey at work? I hate that feeling
I usually always try to, but I just don't have enough time to squeeze in a shower and eat. 

And once I get back to work I'm usually running around getting sweaty with kids again anyways

EDIT: fine I'll come clean since I already mentioned I wore ugg boots in this thread 
, I tan too so after I lift I get my tan in and after that it takes me to right around 10 am, usually a little bit later. So I for sure can't eat and shower after that
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Boss told me I needed to come in early because higher-uppers were coming in for a meeting at 8am.

It's now 8:45, and no one has come.

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