the thread about nothing...

I'm getting terrible breakouts on my face, shoulders, and back :\

Too much of a certain food? / not washing correctly :nerd:
if I had to guess its probably from not washing :lol:

I usually get up and go to the gym at around 8-830, go straight to work at 10 till 6 then go back and do cardio around 8 before finally getting around to a shower.... so ya

procrastination, screws me everytime :smh:
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Son. :lol:

You gotta squeeze in a shower between that morning workout and work.

What do you do for work?
I run a summer camp for kids grade 2-8. So I'm already around smelly kids, doesn't really matter if I smell or not. As long as I change a shirt I don't really stink 

I always shower after a workout... I think that's probably it.

You don't feel grimey at work? I hate that feeling
I usually always try to, but I just don't have enough time to squeeze in a shower and eat. 

And once I get back to work I'm usually running around getting sweaty with kids again anyways

EDIT: fine I'll come clean since I already mentioned I wore ugg boots in this thread 
, I tan too so after I lift I get my tan in and after that it takes me to right around 10 am, usually a little bit later. So I for sure can't eat and shower after that
Cmon man.
 my buddies used to give me a pretty hard time about it when I first started...

talking to girls about tanning is on point tho 
Every time I look at my rep and see one more than I remember, it's like getting a 1up for the day..

Must.. post.. more.. useful.. comments.. :lol: >D

This dunk.. :x (although it looks like he got no elevation at all)
Rck you seem like a cool dude but man the no showering + tanning + ugg + gym thing is too much to handle :lol: no showers at your gym my dude ? Like come on in take like 10-15 mins for a shower, please don't tell me your one of those dudes that covers up in AXE :lol: :x
Every time I look at my rep and see one more than I remember, it's like getting a 1up for the day..

Must.. post.. more.. useful.. comments.. :lol: >D

This dunk.. :x (although it looks like he got no elevation at all)

its crazy, he barely even got up :x :x :smh:
I hate when you walk down a long hallway and see someone at the other end, then you know they see you make eye contact but it's awkward that you don't want to yell "whats up" so you start looking down and to the side until a reasonable distance is reached between you to speak and say hello :lol:
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fraij da 5 11 has been banned from our network.

I got banned from YUKU, not just "sneakertalk"
RIP to my old avy's
:lol: :pimp:

how was tmobile man? pros and cons? i feel like dumb/annoying customers will be my weakness :smh:

tbh, i left cuz tmobile went on a downward spiral. especially after the whole att buyout crap. since i started comission was lowered every year and no iphone was no bueno. the job itself was cool, as much as you deal with idiot customers, you get your cool customers. i worked on jamaica ave so i really know idiot customers. alot of people stay in wireless for a long time because you build your customer base and they keep coming back to you and it makes it a lot more enjoyable. it also helps that not only do you get a paycheck but you also get a commission check every month. on top of that, most wireless companies have contests and trainings where you get the newest phones out for free. i mustve gotten 10+ phones like that. some i used, some i immediately flipped for hundreds of dollars. youll have your days where its payment after payment but the next day youll get that 5 line family plan with all the bells and whistles like high data plans and insurance and tons of accessories and you got yourself a nearly $200 commission. its a great job for younger people also because youll get benefits like medical and dental plus 401k and a good amount of paid time off. if you have a hookup to get into sprint, id take it. especially in this job market.

Looks I'll be taking that Sprint connect, hopefully he can find someone to get rid of to make room forme :lol:
Is it just me or does it irk anyone else when you attempt to call a business and you receive the VM >:

Did this just happen to you in the last 45 mins?

Yes it did. Finally got in touch with the complex and we wasn't approve. Thankfully we have another appointment today for a much closer place @ 5:30 and then I have to call this gentleman back for another viewing as well. It's going to be a process looking for a place, but we are prepared thankfully.
Just found out my friend is dropping out of San Jose State to go to an expensive MUSIC school in Socal. :x

Thing is, she isn't that great at music/singing...
Is it just me or does it irk anyone else when you attempt to call a business and you receive the VM
Did this just happen to you in the last 45 mins?
Yes it did. Finally got in touch with the complex and we wasn't approve. Thankfully we have another appointment today for a much closer place @ 5:30 and then I have to call this gentleman back for another viewing as well. It's going to be a process looking for a place, but we are prepared thankfully.
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