the thread about nothing...

yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?
realtalk i have always been thinking about this theory too that everything in life is in balance.

whether its something simple such as night and dark or good and evil

for every positive there is a negative. if u do something good today someone will do something bad to balance it. this is why sometimes i try not to be to happy because i want to keep myself balanced if i become too happy then one day i might be too sad. does that make sense?

can u explain ur theory?
i would also be interested in this book

long story short, I have sat down with my grandfather every sunday for the past 2 1/2 years and wrote a book about his life. He is the youngest of 9 children, was dirt poor. He went from the slums of hawaii (seems like an oxymoron) to becoming a 76 year old psychiatrist who still surfs every morning. His life story is CRAZY as he was a patient in a psych ward (depression) a year after he was in charge of the hospital ward. His conclusion - the key to life is living a balance between the following...
- WORK - career, finances, professionalism
- FAMILY/FRIENDS - relationships, listening/enjoying and helping those you love
- PHYSICAL HEALTH - staying fit and healthy, diet, drugs etc
- SPIRITUAL HEALTH - faith or mental peace/stability, mainly peaceful internal reflection (whatever your religious preferences may be)

the book goes into detail about each, and is filled with his personal stories along with my opinion on the subjects discussed. (basically contrasting then and now)

I am 98% complete, have publishing all lined up, and just awaiting a final draft from my editor...

when it is all said and done this will be one of the major accomplishments in my life, and do not want to make a single dime from this book, as it is the goal of my grandfather and I to create something that will HELP PEOPLE and not help our wallets.

I will try and give out as many copies as I can afford to those who are interested on NT :smokin

If you don't want money I'd say to take donations for a charity of your choosing. I'd be down to donate
if I had one wish, I'd use it to decipher female logic.
Pointless, women have no logic.  
damb, I REALLY don't want to live on campus :smh: :smh: :smh: please lord don't give me a sheltered white person. I remember telling someone what hood I was from, and there was like a look of shock/disgust. If she had pearls on, they would have been clutched. TIGHTLY.
Good job bro, I remember your thread you posted a while back :smokin

Appreciate it my dude, yeah time flies...from Government worker to sitting in jail watching everything implode to getting everything back and then some has been a non-stop two year grind. I knew watching those 2010 NBA Finals in a cell that this obstacle would be crushed, life is better than ever.
Transferring to University of Oregon. I did 2 years of cc here in NY, couldnt wait to finish :smh:
congrats on the transfer. Went the CC route and saw many bodies left behind. University life is where its at

With that I'm on the line of not giving a ish about anyone outside of family. Heard the worst news along with this **** I've been taking care of all summer. Man I feel like f the next person, I'm getting mine on some step on throats ish. Weird feeling that I don't like to be honest.

My older brother warned me like" you think doing the right thing will always get the right results but that just ain't true." I always knew that you have to get yours to eat but damn I got a bit of reality check over these few days.
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two girls keep playing games with the yambs.

both know my history and still try to throw it at me... only to pull back as soon as we're close to anything (got as far as condom on, both in bed, then didn't "feel right" :smh: )

it doesn't help that i got a girl essentially "claiming me"

its rough outchea.
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Repped! I'm done in September, and Im cool with my PO so she gives me at least a month notice before my UA's- i'll be more than ready for my 8/20 test- and even more ready to blaze right after, haha. I hear you though, gotta be safe with everything in our situation.
@newmoan: use that situation to your advantage fam, you could commondere most of your "sheltered" roommates broads and turn em out, at least temporarily- them college girls always wanna try out some new stuff and live on the wild side.

I know that is right...a chill PO makes all the difference. I don't think I have been on time or have remembered half of my meetings, but my guy Mr. Evans gives me morning courtesy calls asking me if I am still stopping by and if it's a good time for me. We even went 3 months without seeing each other and just checked in via phone after my work commute got longer. But alas, with any probationary period you always feel that extra weight on your shoulders and it is hard enough getting a job without have to explain all that. September will be here shortly...God's speed my friend.
Off probation today....last 8 am meeting. 2 years done and no more years over thy head.
About to try to grab a drink before last call hits....knowing my luck I'll get pulled over on the way back home :smh:
Might just smoke a cigar and keep it moving.

Repped! I'm done in September, and Im cool with my PO so she gives me at least a month notice before my UA's- i'll be more than ready for my 8/20 test- and even more ready to blaze right after, haha. I hear you though, gotta be safe with everything in our situation.

@newmoan: use that situation to your advantage fam, you could commondere most of your "sheltered" roommates broads and turn em out, at least temporarily- them college girls always wanna try out some new stuff and live on the wild side.

this man knows.
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