the thread about nothing...

i've been using those ketchup cups all wrong..did anyone else know u can fan them out to maximize how much u can hold?

:smh: mind is too blown now..

:lol: Mind blowing on so many levels man

Thought about it, and now I feel mad stupid. I'm 30.30!!!! and didn't realize this :smh:
That long *** wait waiting for my debit card to go through in line knowing I only got about 10$ :smh: :smh: Felt like damb near 2 minutes
That long *** wait waiting for my debit card to go through in line knowing I only got about 10$
Felt like damb near 2 minutes
i kinda know that feel. i left my credit card in the sun and it got all wavy like a ruffle chip so wheni slide it it doesnt work 

the cashier has to enter all my info manually
Got a new job

Start Monday. So happy right now.
Congrats man
That long *** wait waiting for my debit card to go through in line knowing I only got about 10$
Felt like damb near 2 minutes
My biggest fear is having my debit/credit card rejected in public for insufficient funds. One time I was at Walmart and this lady in front of me had a cart full of groceries only for her card to be rejected. The walk of shame as she had to leave all her stuff there

Come on bruh, in Italy you play until your 40 something years old, I mean look at Totti he's in his late 30's and he's still beasting it with Roma
Yeah, but you got to start early. 23 is way too late man. I mean, most teams are signing players with talent from like age 16. Look at Rooney. If you haven't been playing and training consistently since youth, basically impossible to play at the highest level.
That long *** wait waiting for my debit card to go through in line knowing I only got about 10$ :smh: :smh: Felt like damb near 2 minutes
i kinda know that feel. i left my credit card in the sun and it got all wavy like a ruffle chip so wheni slide it it doesnt work :lol:
the cashier has to enter all my info manually

i lost my card, nothing got charged that i didn't buy. now i gotta go to the bank and get cash every time i want to cop something until my card comes in the mail. saving mad money though since i can't cop stupid crap on a whim 24 hours a day.
Come on bruh, in Italy you play until your 40 something years old, I mean look at Totti he's in his late 30's and he's still beasting it with Roma
Yeah, but you got to start early. 23 is way too late man. I mean, most teams are signing players with talent from like age 16. Look at Rooney. If you haven't been playing and training consistently since youth, basically impossible to play at the highest level.
Yea that's true but you still have a lot of time in Italy cus Italy doesn't demand such a need for young players or fast ones thus that's where all the veterans head to. But in the case of Rooney I think that's a one in a million case where a 16 year old is debuted in a league like England. I think it really all comes down to the coach, the team, and the country your at to be able to play professional
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