the thread about nothing...

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on the real, movie trailers are about the only form of advertising that works on me. got me singing singham wantin to go see the flick.
Double dating with my girl and one of my boys who I haven't kicked it with since April, going to grub at BWW can't wait.
[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]


on the real, movie trailers are about the only form of advertising that works on me. got me singing singham wantin to go see the flick.

Surprisingly the whole movie is on Youtube. It's also in 720p and has subs.

It saddens me that so many old people get out to vote, especially old republicans and just vote republican without actually looking at the issues. If Romney wins, I guess they'll feel it when that Medicare gets cut. :smh:
It saddens me that so many old people get out to vote, especially old republicans and just vote republican without actually looking at the issues. If Romney wins, I guess they'll feel it when that Medicare gets cut. :smh:
People need to vote for the person, not the party anymore
It saddens me that so many old people get out to vote, especially old republicans and just vote republican without actually looking at the issues. If Romney wins, I guess they'll feel it when that Medicare gets cut. :smh:

unfortunately thats how the vast majority of people vote regardless of party affiliation. (I'm an independent, but generally vote democrat). But do you think most democrats are well versed in Obama's politics? I'm not sure where you're from, but plenty people around my way dont know anything beyond "I could never vote for a republican" and their own personal feelings about Obama
unfortunately thats how the vast majority of people vote regardless of party affiliation. (I'm an independent, but generally vote democrat). But do you think most democrats are well versed in Obama's politics? I'm not sure where you're from, but plenty people around my way dont know anything beyond "I could never vote for a republican" and their own personal feelings about Obama
I get what you're saying (and I somewhat disagree, because for a lot of people, voting republic is going against EVERYTHING) but I just looked at Romney's VP's voting record and it's just too radical. The way this country has shifted to become more and more conservative is frightening, and I really hope thermostat rationality doesn't kick in with the public. I'm from Texas, so you'll have the most dirt-poor, living on social welfare programs people saying they're voting republican for "family values" just because they consider it their identity, which I somewhat understand. But they don't get the actual politics, like sitting down and looking at the policies they're actually going to trying to push for. But, nope, that's never going to happen :smh:
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unfortunately thats how the vast majority of people vote regardless of party affiliation. (I'm an independent, but generally vote democrat). But do you think most democrats are well versed in Obama's politics? I'm not sure where you're from, but plenty people around my way dont know anything beyond "I could never vote for a republican" and their own personal feelings about Obama
I get what you're saying (and I somewhat disagree, because for a lot of people, voting republic is going against EVERYTHING) but I just looked at Romney's VP's voting record and it's just too radical. The way this country has shifted to become more and more conservative is frightening, and I really hope thermostat rationality doesn't kick in with the public. I'm from Texas, so you'll have the most dirt-poor, living on social welfare programs people saying they're voting republican for "family values" just because they consider it their identity, which I somewhat understand. But they don't get the actual politics, like sitting down and looking at the policies they're actually going to trying to push for. But, nope, that's never going to happen :smh:

Oh I def agree with you. I'm just saying the same reason why people AUTOMATICALLY vote republican is the same reason people AUTOMATICALLY vote democrat. And right now Obama might be the democrat that we need/want in office, but the same people AUTOMATICALLY voted for John Kerry when he ran (he was damn near a super conservative himself).

If people would get over this shroud of party affiliations that politicians use to "guarantee" a certain amount of votes, then more capable and helpful independent politicians can rise to the top.

You have to remember that until the 1920s, blacks were vastly republicans, and it only changed once the "black elite" (slightly different definition than we have today) decided to change to the democratic party. It drives me crazy that political parties can convince people to sign up for a certain party, and AUTOMATICALLY pencil in their vote for the rest of their lives
unfortunately thats how the vast majority of people vote regardless of party affiliation. (I'm an independent, but generally vote democrat). But do you think most democrats are well versed in Obama's politics? I'm not sure where you're from, but plenty people around my way dont know anything beyond "I could never vote for a republican" and their own personal feelings about Obama
I get what you're saying (and I somewhat disagree, because for a lot of people, voting republic is going against EVERYTHING) but I just looked at Romney's VP's voting record and it's just too radical. The way this country has shifted to become more and more conservative is frightening, and I really hope thermostat rationality doesn't kick in with the public. I'm from Texas, so you'll have the most dirt-poor, living on social welfare programs people saying they're voting republican for "family values" just because they consider it their identity, which I somewhat understand. But they don't get the actual politics, like sitting down and looking at the policies they're actually going to trying to push for. But, nope, that's never going to happen :smh:

Oh I def agree with you. I'm just saying the same reason why people AUTOMATICALLY vote republican is the same reason people AUTOMATICALLY vote democrat. And right now Obama might be the democrat that we need/want in office, but the same people AUTOMATICALLY voted for John Kerry when he ran (he was damn near a super conservative himself).

If people would get over this shroud of party affiliations that politicians use to "guarantee" a certain amount of votes, then more capable and helpful independent politicians can rise to the top.

You have to remember that until the 1920s, blacks were vastly republicans, and it only changed once the "black elite" (slightly different definition than we have today) decided to change to the democratic party. It drives me crazy that political parties can convince people to sign up for a certain party, and AUTOMATICALLY pencil in their vote for the rest of their lives
The last part is true, Hispanics sometimes tend to vote republican than democrat. I never understood why if the ideal president you want is democratic so he can push change on the immigration reform. But still, some people don't really know what's going on in our country until something happens to them. Some people also say "why vote if no one gets anything done?" :smh: I say we all vote because if we don't all vote then nothing will ever be done
I sorta place the blame on the media for the recent surge in partisan politics amongst us. Every single day you have different networks placing
both parties against one another which suppresses the true issue at hand which is wealth disparity.
I sorta place the blame on the media for the recent surge in partisan politics amongst us. Every single day you have different networks placing
both parties against one another which suppresses the true issue at hand which is wealth disparity.

Absolutely, I was just talking about this yesterday. Fox News/CNN make it so hard to learn anything without a serious bias. I can appreciate anybody who has a strong opinion about whats going on though; shows a discerning voter.....reppped :smokin
Oh I def agree with you. I'm just saying the same reason why people AUTOMATICALLY vote republican is the same reason people AUTOMATICALLY vote democrat. And right now Obama might be the democrat that we need/want in office, but the same people AUTOMATICALLY voted for John Kerry when he ran (he was damn near a super conservative himself).
If people would get over this shroud of party affiliations that politicians use to "guarantee" a certain amount of votes, then more capable and helpful independent politicians can rise to the top.
You have to remember that until the 1920s, blacks were vastly republicans, and it only changed once the "black elite" (slightly different definition than we have today) decided to change to the democratic party. It drives me crazy that political parties can convince people to sign up for a certain party, and AUTOMATICALLY pencil in their vote for the rest of their lives

I understand that people's parties have become a huge part of their identities, but what bothered me the most about it is that you vote automatically because you know that's the party that has your best interests in hand, and for a lot of the at the republican base, it's the exact opposite. Blacks were most republican because the republican party that was then would be considered liberal commie pigs by the republican party now. It wasn't until FDR's New Deal (despite being a huge racist) and LBJ's "War on Poverty," that blacks began to identify with democrats, and it was because they actually did something, not dependent on ideology like "family values" that people choose over actual substance and policies now . The whole, going with your party system didn't even start until Jackson, when everyone, your friends and family, employers, etc were based upon your party affiliation. It's mathematically impossible for any 3rd-party candidate to when and I don't think that's ever going to change, unless a 3rd party rises up and replaces one of the two we have now, and even so most "independent" canidates and voters are just moderately liberal anyways.

Absolutely, I was just talking about this yesterday. Fox News/CNN make it so hard to learn anything without a serious bias. I can appreciate anybody who has a strong opinion about whats going on though; shows a discerning voter.....reppped :smokin
listen to NPR it's one of the most objective newsources or tries to be, and your top news papers/AP should help. ...oh and romney and his VP want to cut funding for NPR too.
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We'll see what happens if Romney is elected and he cuts out medicare and other entitlements for the same conservatives waiting for it. To be frank
greed is driving this country down the ****ter and I don't see things making a turnaround. I plan on making a move out of the states within the
next few years. Repped solarius I can appreciate an informed voter as well, especially a brother :pimp:
We'll see what happens if Romney is elected and he cuts out medicare and other entitlements for the same conservatives waiting for it. To be frank
greed is driving this country down the ****ter and I don't see things making a turnaround. I plan on making a move out of the states within the
next few years. Repped solarius I can appreciate an informed voter as well, especially a brother
A. It was Romneys plan all along (I still want just flat out universal HC though)

B. The country can't be saved by any one-president. Its a systemic failure and we just have different captains on a sinking ship. 
Too many conservatives vote against their economic interests... Whatever

Just a bunch of people think:  there are no people living in poverty in the USA, only millionaires temporarily down on their luck

Everyone is too proud to admit they need help. 
Where's coolgreyman at? Mexico is up 2-0 and are so far winning the gold medal with just 14 minutes left
Hope they can hang on to the lead :pimp:
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