the thread about nothing...

Can't find my wallet, can't go to work.
I haven't slept all night. I gtta take my drivers test today for the second time (messed up on the parking the time ) and I'm so damn nervous. Idk if I should postpone it till later on , I've been putting it off for a month now .
Just saw Memento.. That movie was dope.. The reverse chronology in black and white > .. Do I completely understand it? No... But I understood Shutter Island after the first watch and Inception after 3..Mind = Blown
New Show ALERT!

Breakout Kings...I %$@+ with it.
They need to get rid of Herc( white dude from the wire) but other than that the three fugitives they got figuring out the crimes are legit as hell. Show just got added to Netflixs.
Originally Posted by cap1229

New Show ALERT!

Breakout Kings...I %$@+ with it.
They need to get rid of Herc( white dude from the wire) but other than that the three fugitives they got figuring out the crimes are legit as hell. Show just got added to Netflixs.
LOL I stated that I started watching that as well. Show is pretty good and you're right Herc is just an overactor 
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I haven't slept all night. I gtta take my drivers test today for the second time (messed up on the parking the time ) and I'm so damn nervous. Idk if I should postpone it till later on , I've been putting it off for a month now .
You'll do fine, have some confidence in yourself.   Putting it off isn't going to change things unless you need more time to practice.
I work 11-7 today 

but it's payday

I have the weekend off

I got the house to myself this weekend

My iPod consists of 99% gangsta rap.  Somehow whenever im riding through the hood with my windows down and the volume all the way up, Adele or Maroon 5 seems to wanna play back to back to back, never fails  
Got up at 6 this morning and went running. Legs feel like &#!+, but I'm glad I did. Trying to be able to dunk again by my birthday (late june). 
Breaking Bad related:
Spoiler [+]
I just got done watching the last episode of Season 4 and the show was

Where will it go from here?
I regards to Jesse, I still do not like him.
However, Walt's wife came around so she's cool now.
Walt's son and the black guy who was always mean mugging are two of the lamest characters in that show.
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

, good to hear you controlin yourself. I was probably only by my fourth after I wrote that, but just the thought of only drinking byself, game on television & NT in front of me had be feeling kinda loner status
hahahaha i failed.  4 days.  damn shame.  came home from the gym last night and there were 20 people in my house havin a good ole time.  how am i gonna be chillin in my own house drinking coca cola while everyone else is boozing it up?  damn you wife... damn you.

Originally Posted by Lstylez23

okay so ive always wondered where the hipsters that work in vintage/resell/designer stores on melrose ave in LA live?

i know their income cant be that high? do they go to school?

how do i live that life?
not all parts of LA are that expensive, especially if you have roommates.

also... ive noticed that hipsters dont really flock to the nicer more expensive parts of town (like a brentwood or anywhere on the westside).  they want to "keep it real" and will live in more working class parts of the town.  my baby sister is or was a stupid fixed gear bike riding wannabe hipster and i'll let you know how she did it.

1.  lived in echo park.  at first i was like whaaaaa? why you wanna live in echo park?  apparantly there are a buncha idiot hipsters there in their attempt to gentrify the area.
2.  multiple roommates.  apts in echo park are cheap to begin with but if you get a 3 bed for like 1500 or whatever and split it 3 or even 4 ways its pretty dang cheap.
3.  leach off parents.  atleast thats what she was doing.  i was like damn kid, you finished college, stop leaching off mom and dad.  but they enable her and help her out with her finances because she has to work at some eco friendly change the world kinda bs job that pays peanuts.

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

What is with the shower threads? Why are guys concerned with other guys showering habits?

you havent been on this site for long, we got some weird dudes on here
Originally Posted by swendro88

You're crazy for not liking jesse, b****.
Spoiler [+]
I've stated why I don't like Jesse and I've brung up examples to prove it.
How does not liking Jesse make me crazy?
When Jesse tries to kill Walter because he suspects that he poisoned his gf's kid, he does it with no proof.
He says he's going to kill Walter then literally three seconds later, after Walt puts the gun to his head, he doesn't shoot.
What kind of illogical ... is that?
I also don't understand how Jesse wants Walter to ... off but doesn't want Gus to kill him.
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