the thread about nothing...

you either press the image button or put the URL in
Why'd you make your girl delete all her stuff? yeah I know I'm late haha
what about when you live with roommates who dont effin replace the toilet paper. Its like you walk into your bathroom to NO toilet paper. It's just the cardboard hanging. WTF? Any decency to replace it?
Just contemplated rear ending this chick at a stop sign just to start a conversation with her


im 25 btw and thanks for the kind words guys :pimp: :pimp:

also page 599......

and im about to go out :smh: :lol: i swear to go im bout to wait till 600 or post from my phone..... :lol: :

if i dont win this mother ******g box of nothing

Always wanted to try this, I hear their expensive though ? How was it :nerd: seats comfy? :nerd:

seats were like leather couches, wit lil cupholders in the arm rests and lil tables for ya food.
the middle arm rests fold up
way more leg space and food was around the price of Fridays or applebees
I had a tall glass of yeaungling for 6bucks.
they were doin a special on Long islands for the batman opening for 8 bucks.
definitely more comfy than a regular theater for taller heads and more arm and seat room. you dont feel so crowded

only gripe is the lil lights next ya seats for the waiters to see you and for you to be able to read the menu. I wish they dimmed down when the movie started

but overall i enjoyed it


pretty much this is what it looks like
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I liked hardys bane more than ledgers joker :\

idk, i feel like they way Bane was, it threw me off guard ..... i expected a dumb brute but dude was smart / articulate and just a maniac :lol: :pimp:

and granted you couldnt see Hardys facial expressions but you could see it through his eyes (pause) Like when he would give his speeches i was buying into it :lol:

I think the gap between Joker and Bane in terms of the way they were acted was pretty damm close.
I liked hardys bane more than ledgers joker :\

idk, i feel like they way Bane was, it threw me off guard ..... i expected a dumb brute but dude was smart / articulate and just a maniac :lol: :pimp:

and granted you couldnt see Hardys facial expressions but you could see it through his eyes (pause) Like when he would give his speeches i was buying into it :lol:

I think the gap between Joker and Bane in terms of the way they were acted was pretty damm close.

Really? Idk to me I thought heaths performance was on some other level type steel. No offense to hardy dude did his thing I believed him but Heath ledgers joker is CLASSIC.
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