the thread about nothing...

Move over "cake" the next big song for announcing ur birthday in a has arrived:

4 days though ? >:
I finally got my internet back, been gone for 5 days and I open up NT and it is now Snearktalk, had me like

I finally got my internet back, been gone for 5 days and I open up NT and it is now Snearktalk, had me like
I thought (as I'm sure many others did) that Nike sued us and forced us to change our name and become a pathetic little sissy forum with a ****** name hosted on ****** servers run by ****-heads.
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I doubt he's noticed he only has one post. If he was mad at the change, I wonder what he'll feel when he sees him info didn't transfer over.
Ive come to the conclusion that starting August 1st im gonna take a year and just focus on myself (mind and body wise) Since December ive lost 70 Lbs, by next august i get to at least 220Lb and be lean, not overally muscular, but have some definition. Mind wise i want to take some college courses that will help me on my track of the career i want ( Cop ) . After having a discussion with a friend i came to the realization that give too much of myself sometimes (work + relationships) and i need to find a balance. Im not going chase girls, im not going to party hard, just going to sit back and do what i need to do.
Ive come to the conclusion that starting August 1st im gonna take a year and just focus on myself (mind and body wise) Since December ive lost 70 Lbs, by next august i get to at least 220Lb and be lean, not overally muscular, but have some definition. Mind wise i want to take some college courses that will help me on my track of the career i want ( Cop ) . After having a discussion with a friend i came to the realization that give too much of myself sometimes (work + relationships) and i need to find a balance. Im not going chase girls, im not going to party hard, just going to sit back and do what i need to do.

Good sh** man. Get yourself right, body, and mind. Females will always be there, especially after you Get your situation right as far as school is concerned, all that. Go back into the world feeling like :smokin x :pimp:
Ehh, oh well. I don't even remember how many posts I had since 04, I didn't post much anyway. I like the new NT, though. I missed you guys, it was a rough 5 days.
Ive come to the conclusion that starting August 1st im gonna take a year and just focus on myself (mind and body wise) Since December ive lost 70 Lbs, by next august i get to at least 220Lb and be lean, not overally muscular, but have some definition. Mind wise i want to take some college courses that will help me on my track of the career i want ( Cop ) . After having a discussion with a friend i came to the realization that give too much of myself sometimes (work + relationships) and i need to find a balance. Im not going chase girls, im not going to party hard, just going to sit back and do what i need to do.

Much respect bro.:smokin

How old are you MMG?
I doubt he's noticed he only has one post. If he was mad at the change, I wonder what he'll feel when he sees him info didn't transfer over.

:wow: from '04 with low post counts :wow:

I almost prefer it... At one point, I was probably top 25 amongst NT posters, up there with Dirty, Crazy EBW, 23ska, etc... But I've posted sparingly over the past 4 years, so my post-per-day average has decreased significantly. And now it has fallen below 1 post per year. :nerd:

No in some wiminzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dammmmmmmit ups store closed at 4 today ****. I thought they were open till 7.
why does hulu have only 4 dubbed episodes of FMA Brotherhood? >:

why does netflix have only 39 dubbed episodes of FMA Brotherhood? >:
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