the thread about nothing...

I'm white. Just my gf and I live here. Thought we were good neighbors. Very nice to his kids, they love our dog, always want to play with him. Thought we were on good terms. Not anymore.
Gona take a last minute trip this weekend...I need to get out n get my mind right.
Any suggestions on where to go dolo?
Whats close by you?
Probably try camping or go to a lake. It can clear your mind and possibly relax you
I keep skipping a day and have sOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo many posts to catch up on. i'm still so out of the loop D: *kills self*

you guise are pretty rad though
I'm white. Just my gf and I live here. Thought we were good neighbors. Very nice to his kids, they love our dog, always want to play with him. Thought we were on good terms. Not anymore.
What's the sudden change?
Really hate my Arab neighbors. Not racist at all but he is a total d!ck. Tried to be a good neighbor and let him know someone broke into my girls car and to make sure his doors were locked. Mid sentence he just looked away and acted like I wasnt talking to him at all. I proceded to cuss him out. F him.
. Did this just happen? Maybe he is fasting and thus is tired
. Nah, he just ain't care about what you were saying
My girl had me watching Big Brother, and you know what....the host Julie Chen is

for an older woman
Ive come to the conclusion that starting August 1st im gonna take a year and just focus on myself (mind and body wise) Since December ive lost 70 Lbs, by next august i get to at least 220Lb and be lean, not overally muscular, but have some definition. Mind wise i want to take some college courses that will help me on my track of the career i want ( Cop ) . After having a discussion with a friend i came to the realization that give too much of myself sometimes (work + relationships) and i need to find a balance. Im not going chase girls, im not going to party hard, just going to sit back and do what i need to do.

some of you may remember, some not, but i started today, hopefully it all goes according to plan....
Anybody else see that adopt a whale ad?

They serious?

The cost per month is about six times more than it is to sponsor a starving african child.
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